




1.阿卜耶伊阿卜耶伊Abyei),是城镇,又是苏丹南科尔多凡省分区,连接苏丹南北部,视为历史桥梁。综合和平协议(Comprehensive …

2.阿卜耶伊地区南北苏丹在划分边界时就阿卜耶伊地区Abyei)产生争议,而在该地区附近的产油州南科尔多凡州(Southern Kordofan), 北苏 …

3.阿贝但2012年4月,苏丹向南苏丹宣战,并誓夺蕴藏丰富石油重镇阿贝 (Abyei)地区。苏丹和南苏丹都争取当地的主权。

4.阿卜耶伊镇苏丹 人权学会在阿卜耶伊镇Abyei) 举办了为期一年的住房权 利觉醒运动。 瑞士 可持续发展世界商业理事会通 过 WBCSD …


1.Mr. Carson said the seizure of Abyei could threaten what he called a road map for normal relations between the United States and Sudan.卡尔森称,夺取阿卜耶伊会威胁他所谓的美国和苏丹正常关系的路线图。

2.The south said the capture of Abyei was an act of war.南方称,北方军队占领阿卜耶伊是战争行为。

3.Supported by tanks and aircraft, northern Sudanese troops recently overran the border town of Abyei, burning down parts of it.拥有坦克和飞机支持的北苏丹军队最近越过南北边境小镇阿卜耶伊,并烧毁了部分城镇。

4.The charred remains of John's former home are virtually opposite the front entrance to the UN miptary base in Abyei.约翰过去家园的焦黑残骸几乎正对着联合国驻阿卜耶伊军事基地的前门。

5.With tension high in Abyei, and with both sides pouring weapons and soldiers into the area, the smallest incident could lead to a wider war.在阿卜耶伊与高度紧张,并与双方涌入该地区的武器和士兵,最小的事件可能导致更大范围的战争。

6.The attack, which the UN has called unprovoked, took place in the Abyei region, which is being claimed by both sides.联合国称,这次无正当理由的袭击发生在阿卜耶伊地区,南北双方均声称这里是自己的领土。

7.Abyei, a sparsely populated region that straddles Sudan's north-south border, has long been at the center of a series of violent disputes.阿卜耶伊,跨越苏丹南北边界一个人烟稀少的地区,早已是一系列暴力争端的中心。

8.Under the peace deal of 2005, Abyei was supposed to have its own referendum to decide which side its mainly Christian residents will join.2005年的和平协定规定,Abyei可以举行全民公投决定主要由基督徒组成的居民愿意加入哪一边。

9.Under the CPA, Abyei was supposed to hold a referendum to determine whether it remained with the north or joined an independent south.根据注册会计师,阿卜耶伊本来是举行全民公决,以决定是否仍与北方或加入了一个独立的南部。

10.An international boundary commission determined that Abyei belongs to the south. But Khartoum has refused to recognize the findings.一个国际边界委员会裁定,阿卜耶伊属于苏丹南方,但是在北方的苏丹政府拒绝承认这个裁决。