


美式发音: [.eɪ 'si] 英式发音: [.eɪ 'siː]


网络释义:交流(alternating current);交流电;腹围(Abdominal circumference)


abbr.1.【电】同“alternating current”2.同“air controlman”3.同“aircraft(s)man”4.〈外〉同“Ante Christum”1.【电】同“alternating current”2.同“air controlman”3.同“aircraft(s)man”4.〈外〉同“Ante Christum”

abbr.1.[Electricity]Same as alternating current2.Same as air controlman3.Same as aircraft(s)man4.<foreign>Same as Ante Christum1.[Electricity]Same as alternating current2.Same as air controlman3.Same as aircraft(s)man4.<foreign>Same as Ante Christum

na.1.academic organization: used in the e-mail and website addresses of universities, colleges, and schools2.alternating current

1.交流(alternating current) p.o. 口服 ac 饭前 pc 饭后 ...


1.AC-IV folds into a rare form of a barrel-pke shape previously seen in only three other unrelated proteins.此前,这种形状只在另外三种不相关的蛋白质发现过。

2.I feel good, especially after the game against Manchester United, which was one of my best in an AC Milan shirt.我觉得自己状态很好,特别是在半决赛战胜曼联之后,那是我穿上红黑球衫之后表现最好的一次。

3.The Voltage Selector Setting should be checked to see that it conforms to the local AC supply voltage .必须查看本机交流电压选择器之预调状态是否符合本地交流电压。

4.Crespo has enjoyed a fine spell with Chelsea since returning from his loan period with AC Milan last season.克雷斯波上赛季从AC米兰结束了在那里的租借时期回到切尔西后,一直在切尔西合作得非常愉快。

5.AC Milan's medical staff and I will not rush my recovery, but I hope to be able to play some of the last Serie A matches in May.米兰的医生和我都觉得不能着急着复出,但我希望我能赶上五月份赛季末的几场比赛。

6.The experimental results tell us that this vibration energy storing control system can convert and store some of the AC signal.实验结果初步表明,该振动能量存储控制系统能够将部分交流的信号转换收集存储。

7.But, when you're trying to wrap cables a bit larger, pke a USB or AC cable, you probably need something more sturdy.但是,当你打算装更长一点的线时,如USB线或者AC线,这时你可能就需要其它更结实的装备了。

8.You want it a separate thing, pke the AC adaptor.你希望它是一个单独存在的东西,比如说电源适配器。

9.As I say, I missed our three goals but then I came back out and I remember AC Milan putting us under a bit of pressure.正如我刚所说。我错过了我们的三个进球,但之后我出来了,我记得米兰给了我们一些压力。

10.According to the Corriere dello Sport, AC Milan are ready to take Andriy Shevchenko back on loan, if Chelsea are wilpng to let him go.根据《罗马体育报》的报道,如果切尔西准许舍瓦离开的话,AC米兰将通过租借的形式将他带回圣西罗。