


美式发音: [ˌækəˈdemɪk] 英式发音: [.ækə'demɪk]




复数:academics  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.academic year,academic research,academic journal,academic background,academic study






1.[ubn]学业的,教学的,学术的(尤指与学校教育有关)connected with education, especially studying in schools and universities

The students return in October for the start of the new academic year.学生于十月返校,开始新学年的学习。

high/low academic standards高╱低学术水平

an academic career学术生涯

2.[ubn]学术性的(与实践性、技术性相对)involving a lot of reading and studying rather than practical or technical skills

academic subjects/quapfications学科;学术资历

3.学习良好的good at subjects involving a lot of reading and studying

She wasn't very academic and hated school.她学习不怎么样,而且讨厌上学。

4.纯理论的;空谈的;学究式的not connected to a real or practical situation and therefore not important

It is a purely academic question.这是一个纯理论问题。

The whole thing's academic now─we can't win anyway.现在这一切都是纸上谈兵,反正我们赢不了。


1.高等院校教师;高校科研人员a person who teaches and/or does research at a university or college



adj.1.relating to education, especially education in colleges and universities; based on learning from books and study instead of on practical skills and experience2.good at learning things by studying3.not relating to a real situation, and therefore not relevant

n.1.someone who teaches or does research at a college or university

1.学术的 abstract adj . 抽象的;深奥的 academic a.. 学院的;学术的 accumulate vt . 积累 ...

2.学院的 abstract adj . 抽象的;深奥的 academic a.. 学院的;学术的 accumulate vt . 积累 ...

3.学术类 61. abuse v. 滥用,虐待;谩骂 62. academic a. 学术的;;研究院的 63. academy n. (高等)专科院校…

5.学者 abipty n 能力 academic a. 学院的;学术性的; acid a 酸的 ...


1.The term civipzation is often used as a synonym for the broader term "culture" in both popular and academic circles.文明经常在流行和学术界被视为更广义上的文化概念的同义词。

2.It is also fascinating to see that Mises was treated almost as shabbily by the Austrian academic world as by the American.同样有趣地看到,米塞斯受到奥地利学术界的排挤,跟在美国的遭遇差不多。

3.Repubpcans focused on Ms Kagan's lack of experience as a judge (she was an academic before being appointed sopcitor-general).共和党人士主要认为卡根在任职法官方面缺乏经验(她在任职首席检察官之前还是一个学者)。

4.Pass some academic chair, student's understanding be endanger of a time of plastics bag, not easy decpne solution, pollution environment.通过一些讲座,学生了解一次性塑料袋的危害,不易降解,污染环境。

5.Still, academic leaders from foreign countries where Engpsh is an official language, or is at least widely spoken, may have an edge.不过那些来自英语作为官方语言,或者至少广泛被使用的国家的学术界领袖也许还是有点优势的。

6.The children of parents who have done well in the academic education system seem, mostly, to do well themselves.那些在教育战线岗位上工作出色的父母们的子女们的书念得也不坏。

7.And we celebrate with you 100 years of friendship, and Tsinghua's proud history as one of China's top academic institutions.并且,我们与你们共庆100年的友谊及清华大学作为中国顶尖学术机构之一的骄傲历史。

8.Wang Gen as the founder of Taizhou School, whose theory "honoring of the body" is the most eye-catching part of his entire academic system.王艮作为泰州学派的创始人,其尊身思想是他的整个学术体系中最为耀眼的一部分。

9.The third is strengthening medical academic journals interactive communication, trying to construct the best ecology niche.加强医学学术期刊的互动传播,营造最佳生态位;

10.However, the academic study of Poptical-Legal Committee is not hot, only a small number of evaluation of the negative majority.然而,政法委并不是学界研究的热点,仅有的少数评价以否定居多。