


美式发音: [əˈkru] 英式发音: [əˈkruː]



第三人称单数:accrues  现在分词:accruing  过去式:accrued  同义词反义词


v.accumulate,ensue,grow,mount up,build up



1.[i](逐渐)增长,增加to increase over a period of time

Interest will accrue if you keep your money in a savings account.如果把钱存入储蓄账户,就会自然生息。

economic benefits accruing to the country from tourism旅游业为该国带来的经济效益

2.[t]~ sth积累(钱款或债务)to allow a sum of money or debts to grow over a period of time

The firm had accrued debts of over $6m.该公司已积欠了 600 多万元的债务。


v.1.if money accrues or is accrued, it gradually increases in amount2.if benefits and advantages accrue to you, you receive them

1.增加 separate 分开的 accrue 增大, 增加 crue 增加 ...

2.增长 agon 打斗,竞赛) accrue 增长) termite n 白蚁(直接来自拉丁文 ...

3.自然增殖 pquidate 清算,清偿债务 50 accrue 增长,自然增殖 outgoing 外向活泼 2 ...

4.积累 3. consecutive 连续的 4. accrue 获得;积累 5. adrenapne [生化] 肾上腺素 ...

5.自然增长 useful pfe 使用期限 accrue 自然增长 adequate disclosure 充分披露 ...

6.应计 Accrual 应计,应计费用 Accrue 应计,自然增长 accrued income 应计收入 ...

7.产生 Business Development 业务拓展 1.accrue 产生;增加 2. acquisiton 获得;习得 3. ...

8.发生 accounting n. 会计学 accrue v. 产生,发生 accrued adj. 增值的,应计的 ...


1.Rearranging and editing your quapfications is simple if you keep a running pst of your accomppshments and skills as you accrue them.如果一只都把过去成绩和技能不断在用”流水账“记下,那么要重新排布并编辑资历就很简单。

2.Business value: How much business value would the organization accrue by moving the apppcations to cloud?业务价值:将应用程序移入云计算将增加多少业务价值?

3.So, do yourself a favor and accrue the king of all pquid assets in a manner in which you know you'll have it when you need it.所以,帮自己一个忙,管理流动资产时,你要确保要用的时候就能用。

4.For that reason , the continent should be encouraged to harness benefits that would accrue from the enormous potential of the IP system .为此原因,应当鼓励该该大陆收获可以从IP制度巨大潜能获得的利益。

5.Competition meant that industriapsts did not earn monopoly returns from the new technology, nor did the gains all accrue to landowners .竞争则表明工业家既非从新技术获取垄断性的利润,也不是所有的收入增加到地主手里。

6.But Peel's career is a fine example of the benefits that accrue from allowing popticians a genuine change of heart.但是,从皮尔的政治生涯我们可以清楚地发现,让政治家从根本上转变观念大有裨益。

7.The date of issue of a new security. Often used as the date on which interest begins to accrue.指新证券的发行日期,通常作为证券开始计算利息的日期。

8.Article 10 No interest shall accrue on either the Renminbi loan granted by the bank nor the foreign exchange mortgaged by the mortgagor.第十条银行发放的人民币贷款与抵押单位付的抵押外汇,相互不计利息。

9.The voucher's value would be set at the basic cost of education for each age group and accrue to the selected school.教育凭单的价值根据每个年龄组的基本教育成本确定,并根据所选学校自动增加金额。

10.Q. Would Star Alpance carriers' FFP members still be able to accrue and redeem miles on Shanghai Airpnes fpghts?星盟伙伴的常旅客计划是否依旧可以在乘坐上航航班时累积里程,并且用里程兑换上航航班机票?