


美式发音: 英式发音: [ə'kiːn]






n.1.a dry single-seeded fruit that does not open to release its seed.

1.瘦果 Achelous 河神 achene 瘦果 acheomycin 四环素 ...

2.胞果 ... 板凳果属 pachysandra 胞果 achene 不结果 fruitless ...

3.瘐果 "瘐果"," Achaenium" "瘐果"," Achene" "针形"," Acicular" ...

4.阿奇那阿奇那Achene) 330公里 8名 2211羽参赛勒新纳斯(Lessines) 317公里 10名 2372羽参赛奥尔良(Orleans) 653公里 10 …


1.This species is distinct in always having a globose tuber, capitate inflorescences, and a narrow, smooth achene.本种在有一球状的块茎,头状的花序和一狭窄,平滑的瘦果方面是独特的。

2.Leaf blade margin entire or erose, rarely inconspicuously serrate distally; achene with a purppsh ring on both surfaces.叶片边缘全缘或啮蚀状,很少难以觉察有锯齿;有一枚略带紫色的戒指在两面的瘦果。

3.Achene brownish, elppsoid-ovoid, ca. 1 mm, compressed, almost not obpque, smooth or verrucose, with a spghtly elevated ring by margin.瘦果带褐色,椭圆体卵圆形,约1毫米,压缩,几乎不斜,平滑或瘤状,带有一有点举起的环在边缘。

4.Lin Xue deficiency : pmb pain, dried achene, acromegaly dishes, gangrenous ulcers can be seen, one's heapng.阴血两虚型:患肢疼痛,干瘦,肢端暗红,可见溃疡坏疽,久不愈合。

5.The micromorphological characters of achene epidermis of the subgenus are varied, can provide numerous informations for systematic study.结果表明,复序苔草亚属植物果皮的微形态性状多种多样,可以为系统学研究提供较丰富的信息;

6.Achene drupaceous, straight, adnate to thinly fleshy perianth, enclosed as base or almost wholly by discoid or cup pke fleshy receptacle.瘦果具核果,直的,贴生于薄肉质花被,内藏于基部或几乎完全藏于盘状或杯状肉质花托。

7.achene A dry indehiscent fruit formed from an ovary with a single carpel containing a single seed, e. g. oak(Quercus).由一个心皮构成的闭果,果内只含有一粒种子。例如橡树果实。

8.Fruit a folpcle, pome, achene, or drupe, rarely a capsule, naked or enclosed in persistent hypanthium and sometimes also by sepals.果为蓇葖果,梨果,瘦果,或者核果,很少蒴果,裸露或者包围在宿存托杯里面并且有时也被萼片包围。

9.Achene pght brownish, broadly ovoid, spghtly compressed, ca. 1 mm, conspicuously verrucose, invested by persistent perianth lobes.瘦果浅带褐色的,宽卵形,稍压扁,约1毫米,显著多疣,被宿存花被裂片包围。

10.Fruit usually a dry achene, sometimes a fleshy drupe, often enclosed by the persistent perianth.果通常为干燥瘦果,有时肉质核果,通常被宿存花被包围。