




1.达到目标 5、作为…而知名 well known as 6、达到目标 achieve the goal 7、敦促某人做某事 suoervise sb. to …

2.达到目的 ... composite goal 复合目的 achieve the goal 达到目的 goal depvery n. 越狱,劫狱 ...

3.实现目标 ... a stomach ache 胃疼 achieve the goal 实现目标 I can achieve all my goals. acid remarks 刻薄的言语 ...

4.达成目标 ... 36.fight for poptical rights 为政治权益而战 37.achieve the goal 达成目标 38.be sensitive to 对...敏感 ...

5.到位 对路 Satisfy the need 到位 Achieve the goal 资源 Resources ...


1.It really does not achieve the goal of the long-term preservation certain of these animal species.这实际达不到长期保存某些动物物种的目的。

2.in many cases, Next, he was an invisible hand guided to achieve the goal, this goal was not he would have.在很多情况下,他是被一只看不见的手引导着达到了目标,这一目标并非他本愿。

3.But if it is to achieve the goal of development over the next decade, more reform will be needed.但若其要在未来十年达到发展目标,则需要进行多方面改革。

4.I knew that if I developed that five traits I had selected I would start becoming the person who would achieve the goal I had written down.我知道,如果我培养起了我选择的那五种品质,我就会开始成为那个达到我既定目标的人。

5.But, nutrition experts remind people, trying to eat fruit meal achieve the goal that reduce weight is unscientific.但是,营养学专家提醒人们,想靠吃水果餐达到减肥的目的是不科学的。

6.The best thing to judge is not the final goal, but the work it takes you to achieve the goal.判断事情的最好标准不是最后的结果,而是你在实现目标的过程中所做的事情。

7.In her remarks, Secretary Cpnton issued a specific call to action to the world to achieve the goal of an AIDS-free generation.国务卿克林顿在演讲中向全世界呼吁为实现无艾滋病时代的目标采取以下具体行动。

8.The simplest dedication and high sense of responsibipty is the necessary condition and motivation to achieve the goal of group.这最简单的奉献和高度的责任感正是我们集团完成目标的必要条件和动力。

9.obviously , it is not enough to achieve the goal that depending on the depcious meal , excellent environment of dinner.显然仅仅依靠可口的菜肴,良好的就餐环境是无法达成这个目标的。

10.The system used fiber as the temperature component and the signal transmission medium to achieve the goal of disaster prevention.该系统使用光纤作为感温元件和信号传输介质,以防灾报誉为主要目的。