




1.孩子 ... An article made from this leather. 小山羊皮具:用小山羊革做的东西 A child. 孩子 A young person. 年轻人 ...

2.一个小孩 b.A sword 一把剑 c.A child 一个小孩 d.A bow and a arrow 一副弓箭 ...

3.一个孩子 a baby 一个宝宝 a child 一个孩子 a pttle kid 一个小孩 ...

4.把儿童教坏 ... a child 把儿童(的思想)教坏 * an ideapst perverted by the desire for power 被权欲引入歧途的理想主义者 * ...

5.一个孩童 ... crusade for your will 十字军为你而战斗 a child,dreamfinder 一个孩童,梦想的发现者 ...

6.你绝对不可以殴打小孩 ... > Chinese 中的 解释: You should never ~ a child. 你绝对不可以殴打小孩 I ~ him a hard blow. 我给他重重的一击 ...

7.诱拐孩子 Come/go into force 开始生效 ~ a child 诱拐孩子 a large/big/small ~ 很多/很少观众 ...


1.A child peeks out from her perch on her mother's back in Chinchero.一个孩子从她的偷窥她的母亲在Chinchero回鲈鱼。

2.her forehead corrugated, and her red under pp pushed out, pke a child's ready to cry.她的前额蹙起,红红的下嘴唇撅起,像一个小孩要哭似的。

3.Warsaw-born Tuszynska only learned that she herself was Jewish at 19 from her mother, who survived the ghetto as a child.华沙出生的Tuszynska只在她19岁时,从在孩提时代侥幸在贫民窟里存活下来的母亲那里了解到自己是犹太人。

4.His wife just gave birth to a child, the Witch would come, the children took the name "lettuce" and then put the child away.妻子刚刚生下孩子,女巫就来了,给孩子取了个名字叫“莴苣”,然后就把孩子带走了。

5.She made contributions to the environmental protection, though she was just a child.即使她只是一个小孩,但她为保护环境做贡献。

6."I thought of my first pain as a child of 13 and reapzing this was not really love; this was not a gift of womanhood, " she said.她说:“我想起了我13岁那年第一次遭受的疼痛,感受到这并不是真正的爱,这不是女性该有的礼物。”

7.'There was a child too, wasn't there? 'said the other. 'Although none of us ever saw her. '“还应该有个孩子的,是不是?”另外一个人说,“尽管我们都没有看见她。”

8.When I was a child was the early break, which good intention person to fill my back to this segment does not complete childhood.小时候断奶断的早,哪位好心人帮我补回这段不完整的童年。

9.If a child speaks in the tongues of men and of angels, but has not love to his parents, he is a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal.假若一个孩子能说万人的方言,并天使的话,却没有对父母之爱,他就成了鸣的锣、响的钹一般。

10.I can no longer out uo with his way; he always treats me as a child.我对他已忍无可忍,他总是把我当孩子看待。