



美式发音: [əˈkwaɪr] 英式发音: [əˈkwaɪə(r)]



第三人称单数:acquires  现在分词:acquiring  过去式:acquired  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.acquire knowledge,acquire skill,acquire habit,acquire experience,acquire wealth


v.obtain,get,get hold of,gain,attain



v.1.to get something, for example by buying it or being given it2.to get new knowledge or a new skill by learning it3.to get a particular reputation, position, or name4.to get a disease, illness, or infection5.to gradually develop or learn something1.to get something, for example by buying it or being given it2.to get new knowledge or a new skill by learning it3.to get a particular reputation, position, or name4.to get a disease, illness, or infection5.to gradually develop or learn something


2.取得 用( using ) 资源, 而不 是只会形式上取得acquiring ) 与必要性拥 有 (o w n i n g ) 资源而 已。 据此, 本文归纳 Norm…

3.瞄准 acquire 获得, 学到 acquiring 瞄准 acquisition 获得, 获得物 ...

4.获得 ... 燃烧 burn up 获得 acquiring 意义 significant ...


6.收单 Acquirer 收单行 Acquiring 收单 activated card 激活卡 ...


1.I can not boast of much success in acquiring the reapty of this virtue, but I had a good deal with regard to the appearance of it.我不敢夸口我已切实掌握这一德行的真谛,但对它的外观我却了解了不少。

2.As banks did not know the level of debt they were acquiring, they no longer wanted to lend money to or borrow money from other banks.正在银行不知自己所拥有的贷款额度时,他们不久又要借款或者还款给其他银行了。

3.The news comes as the search engine embarks on a buying spree, acquiring at least five companies since August, Reuters reports.路透社报道,这个消息在购物搜索引擎中一经发出,从八月底开始就至少有五家公司征求。

4."Neither China nor America has an interest in a terrorist acquiring a bomb or a nuclear arms race breaking out in East Asia, " he said.他说中国和美国都不希望看到在东亚地区恐怖分子有机会得到核武器或者原子弹。

5.Some people say that pfe is all about acquiring knowledge. If that's true , then why do smart people always dress so badly?有些人说,生命的意义在于获取知识。如果是这样,那么为什么聪明的人总打扮得这样糟糕?

6.Iceland's internal affairs ministry said Huang's investment group did not meet legal requirements for acquiring the land.冰岛内部事务部表示,黄的投资集团不符合收购土地的法律规定。

7.Even the French, who for decades ran the EU as equal partners with the Germans, are acquiring something of an inferiority complex.就连几十年来一直在欧盟事务中作为平等伙伴的法国也在德国面前感觉到了自卑。

8.Then the Bank of England sprang to the rescue, announcing that it would spend tens of bilpons of pounds acquiring government bonds.当时,英国央行(BOE)迅速出来救援,宣布将花费数百亿英镑购买政府国债。

9.He says Iran has no intention of acquiring an atomic bomb; it is only making low-enriched uranium to fuel nuclear-power stations.内贾德说,伊朗并无计划制造原子弹,只是制造一些低浓缩铀作为核电站的燃料。

10.However, evidence suggests that, at least for the acquiring firms, acquisition strategy may not always result in these desireable outcomes.然而,相关证据显示,收购策略可能并不一定产生上述的有利结果,至少对于收购方而言是如此。