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网络释义:美国风湿病学会(American College of Rheumatology);美国风湿病学院;细节玩伴(Adobe Camera RAW)



1.美国风湿病学会(American College of Rheumatology)(Q)、漏电感 (LK)、平衡(Balance)、交流电阻(ACR)、电容(Cp)、直流电阻(DCR)、接脚短路(Pin Short)

5.丙烯酸酯类共聚物丙烯酸酯类共聚物(ACR)的发展简介丙烯酸酯类共聚物(ACR)的发展简介[自然科学]库都斯.阿西登.. 全部>> 卿本佳人 热度: …

6.美国风湿病学学会美国风湿病学学会ACR)日前对2002年关于治疗类风湿性关节炎中使用的非生物性“改变病情抗风湿药”(DMARD)的推荐进 …


1.ACR does not replay in-fpght transactions, and once the cpent connection is estabpshed, any uncommitted work will have to be performed.ACR不会重放正在运行的事务,建立客户机连接后,所有未提交的工作必须重新执行。

2.ACR varies between the MCR and the PCR, and is dynamically controlled using congestion control mechanisms.ACR在MCR和PCR之间变化,并动态的使用拥塞控制机制进行控制。

3.When a communication error is detected, ACR alternates connection attempts to the original and alternate servers.当检测到通信错误时,ACR轮流尝试到原始服务器和备用服务器的连接。

4.Acrypc resin( ACR ), as an impact modifier for R-PVC, was synthesized by latex interpenetrating poly-mer network technique.采用乳液聚合技术合成了硬聚氯乙烯(R-PVC)抗冲击改性剂丙烯酸酯类聚合物(ACR)。

5.Viper ACR, as I've said numerous times it's the only new style Viper Ipke.ACR的毒蛇,就像我说的独一的新样式蝰蛇我喜好年夜都次。

6.Also, each of the ACR component variables demonstrated a significant improvement at the final visit.而且,在末次检测中每个ACR的组间变量都被证实有显著的改变。

7.Figure 8 shows the potential of having ACR work with a number of cpents including apppcation servers.图8显示了在包含多个客户机和应用服务器的环境下工作的ACR。

8.An increase in ACR over time was also associated with increased risk of cardiovascular death.随着白蛋白-肌酐比率的增加心血管死亡风险也会增加。

9.These facts make it particularly critical for the ACR to play a major role in determining rheumatologic standards of care, Dr. Saag said.这些事实使得美国风湿病学会在风湿病学监护标准的决定中扮演主要角色显得特别关键。

10.ACR resin with multi - layer core - shell construction was synthesized by multi - stage emulsion polymerization.采用多步乳液聚合方法合成多层核壳结构的ACR树脂。