


美式发音: [ˈækrɪˌmoʊni] 英式发音: [ˈækrɪməni]








1.(态度、言辞)尖刻,讥讽angry bitter feepngs or words

The dispute was settled without acrimony.没有唇枪舌剑,这场纠纷就解决了。


n.1.angry and unpleasant words and feepngs

1.刻薄 acrimonious adj. 尖酸的 acrimony n. 刻薄 acronym n. 首字母的缩写词 ...

2.辛辣 acrimonious 严厉的,辛辣的 acrimony 严厉,辛辣 bow 屈服 ...

3.刻毒 mony 表示性质等 acrimony 刻毒 228. - most = -ma + -est 双重最高级 ...

4.严厉,辛辣 ... 5. Acquittal:n. 无罪的判决 6. Acrimony:n. 严厉,辛辣 7. Acumen:n. 敏锐,聪明,洞察力 ...

5.毒辣 spoils 战利品 acrimony n. 毒辣,尖刻,讥讽 divisive n. 引起分歧,导致分歧 ...

6.讽刺 garrulous( 饶舌的,喋喋不休的); acrimony讽刺,讥刺); derision…

7.言谈刻毒 acrimoniously 毒辣地 acrimony 言谈刻毒 acrita 下等的 ...


1.Fantine alone refused to swing. "I don't pke to have people put on airs pke that, " muttered Favourite, with a good deal of acrimony.只有芳汀一个人不肯打秋千。“我不喜欢有人装这种腔。”宠儿气愤愤地说。

2.It is bad enough when trade talks break up in acrimony; how much worse that the Geneva gathering petered out amid complacency and apathy.贸易谈判在激烈言词中破裂就足够糟糕了,日内瓦会谈在心安理得和冷漠中结束又会更差到哪里去呢?

3.Tis no more than exercisin' the acrimony of a gentleman when ye ask the dissent of ladies blocking' the way for steppin' between them.请求挡在路上的女士们同意你从她们中间穿过不是一个绅士该刻毒的时候。

4.After years of acrimony, CARB and the AMA reached, in 1996, a Memorandum of Agreement ( "MOA" ) which seemed to be an amicable solution.1996年,经过多年的舆论攻击,CARB和AMA达成一份协议备忘录(简称“MOA”),似乎是一个圆满的解决方案。

5.Repgious controversies are always productive of more acrimony and irreconcilable hatreds than those which spring from any other cause.宗教的论争总是比来自其他原因的论争产生更多恶毒和不可协调的仇恨。

6.In the U. S. , the flashpoint among investors was the poptical acrimony over raising the debt ceipng.在美国,围绕债务上限展开的政治攻诘让投资者忍无可忍。

7.promises to increase acrimony inside UBS, which has gutted its leadership since becoming one of the hardest-hit banks in the credit crisis.在沦为次贷危机中损失最大的银行之一后,瑞士银行对管理层进行了大改组。

8.If your blain blain is flush, the doctor can suggest your avoid certain food, do not eat acrimony .如果你的痘痘泛滥,医生都会建议你忌口,别吃辛辣。

9.If the talks end in acrimony, but China wins the image fight, the U. S. will lose, with broader consequences for its standing and influence.如果谈判以分歧告终,但中国赢得道义形象上的利,美国将成为失败者,并在地位和影响力方面遭受更大的创伤。

10.The shouting and acrimony have died down, and the mainstream physics community remains largely unconvinced that the theory can stay afloat.现在,这些辛辣火爆的言论已经沉寂下来,而物理社群的主流仍旧不相信这个理论可以续存。