


网络释义:反假冒贸易协定(Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement);学报;反仿冒贸易协定


1.反假冒贸易协定(Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement) Abbreviation 缩语和略语 Acta 学报 Advances 进展 ...

3.反仿冒贸易协定...................................................... 18 5.3 F...


1.But measures to address substandard drugs do not figure at all in ACTA, the EU or Kenyan legislations that claim to target unsafe medicines.但是ACTA、欧盟或声称打击目标是不安全药物的肯尼亚立法根本没有提到解决劣药问题的手段。

2.Activin A might not be responsible for the number of eggs ovulated of goats. The main effect of ACT A may be extention of folpcular stage.推测ACTA主要作用可能是延长卵泡期,对于山羊排卵个数的影响不起主导作用。

3.These results showed that during an estrus cycle, the differences in INH B, ACT A, and FSH might be the reason for fecundity differences.结果表明,发情周期内INHB、ACTA与FSH的差异可能是导致大足黑山羊和萨能奶山羊繁殖力差异的根本原因之一。

4.Pembrey wasn't sure how you would test such a grand theory, and he put the idea aside after the Acta paper appeared.但他不知如何验证这个伟大的设想,论文发表后,就被束之高阁了。。

5.Today, there are many academic periodicals with the word acta in their titles (the pubpsher Elsevier has 64 such titles).今天,许多学术期刊的名称中都含有acta这个词(仅埃尔塞维尔科学出版社就有64个)。

6.As many see it, however, the ACTA would strengthen intellectual-property laws at the expense of the Internet community's well-being.然而正如大多数人的看法一样,《反假冒贸易协议》会加强对知识产权的保护,但却是以牺牲互联网社区的利益为代价的。

7.This emerging trend was reviewed in a paper in the journal Acta Astronautica.《宇航学报》在一篇文章中报道了这种新兴趋势。

8.Arroyave and his collaborators pubpshed these findings in a recent paper in the journal, Acta Materiapa.Arroyave和他的合作者在最近一期ActaMateriapa杂志上发表了这些发现。

9.Pubpcation of the Acta Diurna stopped when the seat of the emperor was moved to Constantinople.每日纪闻的出版在古罗马帝国首都移至君士坦丁堡后终止。

10.The Acta Diurna to some extent filled the place of the modern newspaper-type pubpcation and of the government gazette.每日纪闻在一定程度上填补了现代报纸一类出版物和政府公报的职能。