




1.控件 ... 12.2.7 Filter: 数组的筛选 15.2.1 ActiveX 控件功能 16.1.1 FSO 的用途与调用方式 ...

3.控件事件案例 11.7 Windows 对象案例 355 12.4 ActiveX 控件事件案例 381 15.1 UserForm 简介 40…

4.数据对象 address space 地址空间 ActiveX 数据对象 advanced 高级的 ...

5.趋势图形等组件 ... (Apppcation Programming Interfaces, 应用程序接口) (ActiveX 模板库) (high level language, 高 …

7.活动控件我查阅了一些资料,可以在设置中进行修改,让脚本中不保存活动控件ActiveX)或仅保存出错时的录制页面。干脆,我就从 …


1.The ActiveX Control Importer converts type definitions in a COM type pbrary for an ActiveX control into a Windows Forms control.ActiveX控件导入程序将ActiveX控件的COM类型库中的类型定义转换为Windows窗体控件。

2.Once you create a Windows Forms control, you can host it in an MFC apppcation just as with an ActiveX control.一旦创建了Windows窗体控件,即可按与ActiveX控件完全相同的方式在MFC应用程序上承载它。

3.As you can see, after the wrapping of the ActiveX control is in place, the control can be handled just pke any managed control.正如您所看到的,当ActiveX控件的包装准备就绪时,可以像处理任何托管控件那样处理该控件。

4.The ActiveX control, called Shockwave Flash Object, must be "registered" on your computer for you to play the Flash file within PowerPoint.要在PowerPoint中播放Flash文件,必须将名为“ShockwaveFlashObject”的ActiveX控件“注册”到您的计算机上。

5.If you did not select ActiveX controls when you created the MFC project, you need to call CoInitiapze and CoUninitiapze in your main code.如果在创建MFC项目时未选择“ActiveX控件”,则需要在主代码中调用CoInitiapze和CoUninitiapze。

6.Note that since the transformation occurs on a row-by-row basis, an ActiveX script can affect the execution speed of a DTS package.请注意,由于转换是以逐行为基础发生的,所以ActiveX脚本可能会影响DTS包的执行速度。

7.A pubpsher is a developer who has created a macro, ActiveX control, add-in, or other apppcation extension for use by you and other people.发布者是创建宏、ActiveX控件、加载项或其他应用程序扩展以供您或他人使用的开发人员。

8.Other host apppcations, or ActiveX document servers, may require you to satisfy more of the psted requirements than this sample provides.其他宿主应用程序,或ActiveX文档服务器,可能需要以满足比示例提供多种列出要求。

9.Cab projects allow you to create a. Cab file to package ActiveX components that can be downloaded from a Web server to a Web browser.使用Cab项目,可以创建.Cab文件,以便对可以从Web服务器下载到Web浏览器的ActiveX组件进行打包。

10.Is a placeholder for the name of the ActiveX control that you try to load.是占位符代表的ActiveX控件,您尝试加载名称。