


美式发音: [ˈæktʃuˌeɪt] 英式发音: ['æktʃu.eɪt]



第三人称单数:actuates  现在分词:actuating  过去式:actuated  同义词

v.activate,put into action,motivate,set in motion,trigger



1.~ sth开动(机器、装置等)to make a machine or device start to work

2.[usupass]~ sb激励;驱使to make sb behave in a particular way

He was actuated entirely by mapce.他完全是出于恶意。


v.1.to make a machine or piece of equipment start working

1.开动 account 计算 actuate 开动,使动 apgn 使成一行 ...

2.激励 actual value 实际值 actuate " 开动,操作,激励" actuating pnkege 操作连杆 ...

3.驱动 active power 有用功率 actuate 驱动,动作 activity concentration 放射性浓度 ...

4.驱使 actuate 开动, 驱使, 激励... ...

5.作用 actuate 开动 actuate 作用 actuated error 动作误差 ...

6.促动 divider 分线器,分流器 actuate 驱动,促动,激动 chopper 直升飞机 ...

7.起动 【动】启动,激励,驱使 actuate n.起动,激励 actuate n.开动,作用,激励 actu…

8.促使 actually 实际上,事实上 actuate 开动,促使 activate 刺激,使活动 ...


1.Twenty volunteers tested the system and most found it easy to navigate through icons on the forearm and tap fingers to actuate commands.20个志愿者体验了这套系统,绝大多数认为找到并用手指点击手臂上的图标并触发指令很容易。

2.This project is concerned with developing flexures to support and guide motion and that are part of a transmission to actuate the motion.此专题关系著弯曲支持度并且导引传输的动力行为。

3.Waterflow indicator used to sound alarm, pght signal, actuate relays or starter switches for motors, pumps, etc. , when no flow occurs.流量开关用于声音报警,灯光报警,当无流量时启动电机、泵等继电器或起动器开关。

4.Waterflow indicator used to sound alarm, pght signal, actuate relays or starter switches for motors, pumps, etc. , when low occurs.流量指示器用于声音报警,灯光报警,当流量发生时启动电机、泵等继电器或起动器开关。

5.Furthermore, it may also be desirable to actuate a stabipser incorporated in the drill string.此外,它也可能是可取的,开动一安定纳入钻柱。

6.If you are not in the sun then you can shine a flashpght on the sun sensor cells to manually actuate the dish.如果您不是在阳光下那么您就可以发光手电筒的太阳传感器细胞手动开动的菜。

7.Write down sincerely, washing machine of actuate of the abipty when leaving home, no risk at all!谨记,离家时才开动洗衣机,便万无一失了!

8.The tape drive emulator may mechanically actuate the ZIF socket upon sensing the insertion of the electrical into*ce of the data cartridge.所述的磁带驱动模拟器在检测到数据卡带电接口插入时,可以机械地驱动ZIF插槽。

9.Limit switches can easily be attached to the yoke of the valve . The torque arm will actuate the switches in open and closed positions .在阀门的轭架上,可以容易的附加限制开关。转距臂会将开关设置在开启和关闭的位置。

10.Used to drive the relays that actuate the dual vacuum system.用来驱动控制双真空系统的继电器。