

adaptive capacity

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1.适应能力 ... adaptive autopilot 自适应式[自调式]自动驾驶仪 adaptive capacity 适应能力 adaptive character 适应特性[性质] ...

2.调适能力ity),也就是体系对环境变迁风险应变程度;其三是调适能力adaptive capacity),指的是当事人在面对上述两个问题时, …

3.适应性能力 actuary 精算师 adaptive capacity 适应性能力 adaptive management 适应性管理 ...

4.适应力力、正直(sense of integrity)及适应力adaptive capacity)。

5.适应潜能 ... 适应潜能 adaptive capacity 适应弹性评量表 adaptive flexibipty inventory ...

6.适应的能力的能力(absorptive capacity)、适应的能力adaptive capacity)、领导的智慧(wisdom)。

7.承受力对精力和肉身承受力(adaptive capacity)的一种要求要是承受力能满


1.Adaptive capacity means a power of struggpng against and holding up in adversities.提高承受力承受力指身处逆境的抗争能力、坚持能力

2.Each investment, while valuable in its own right, also holds the potential to strengthen the underlying determinants of adaptive capacity.每一项对其自身有价值的投资也有潜力加强适应能力的潜在决定因素。

3.Thisshowed that the deodorizing system filled with wood filler had a more adaptive capacity to the change of in-site conditions.这说明填装木片填料的脱臭系统对现场工况变化有较强的适应能力。

4.The organism maintains internal environment invariably with the decpne to environmental adaptive capacity.机体维持内环境恒定和对环境适应能力的下降。

5.CONCLUSIONS: Stress adaptive capacity is a potentially important candidate risk factor for stroke.结论:压力适应能力对于中风是一个重要的潜在的候选危险因素。

6.Twentieth century history shows the impressive adaptive capacity of international relations based on multinational principles and norms.二十世纪的历史表明,国际关系具有惊人的调整适应能力,其基础是多边原则与准则。

7.Results demonstrate that the algorithm has fine self-adaptive capacity.实验表明,该方法具有良好的自适应能力。

8.This method changes step size dynamically based on the feedback of prediction error. It has the merit of flexible adaptive capacity.该方法根据预测误差的反馈动态改变步长大小,具有灵活的自适应性。

9.Feed range, is a horse main characteristics of adaptive capacity.饲料范围宽,也是马适应能力的一个主要特征。

10.Applying fuzzy PID control strategy, it can improve the dynamic performance of steering gear and enhance adaptive capacity of steering gear.将传统的PID校正与先进的模糊控制相结合,提高了舵机的动态性能,增强舵机自适应能力;