


美式发音: 英式发音: [ˈædi]





1.艾迪 Adah 艾达 希伯来语 Addie 阿迪 德语 Addy 阿迪 英语 ...

3.花少 Adam 小丸子。 Addie 花少 ADENA (呼名:杰米) ...

4.木同 ... 李国芬 icyyip 木同 addie 陈丽娟 Liaoguop ...

5.盼暑假 Daisy 杨0924 Addie 盼暑假 kisscat 桥 ...

6.爱迪 ... *Kari,Carrie- 凯莉 *Addie- 爱迪 *Elpe- 爱莉 ...

7.出身高贵的 ... Abigail Abby 父亲的欢乐 Ada Addie 出身高贵的 Agatha Aggie 亲切的 ...


1.Kucinich later told me that Addie Polk's predicament had struck a particular chord with him.其后,库辛尼奇向我讲到艾迪·布尔克的困境令他产生特别的共鸣。

2.Dillon, worried that Addie had fallen and needed help, said that he knew a way to get in, and Fatheree told him to try.迪尔隆担心艾迪摔倒了,需要救助,就说他知道有地方进去,而法德里告诉他试一下。

3.We talked about Addie, and when the subject of her loan came up Dillon looked at Addie's house and shook his head.我们谈到艾迪,当话题去到她的房贷时,迪尔隆盯着艾迪的房子并摇摇头。

4.IDs apply the ADDIE model or some variation of it to develop quapty training that satisfies the needs of the identified target audience.指导设计师应用ADDIE模型或它的变化模型来开发满足特定目标听众需要的质量培训。

5.Each episode opens with an embarrassing incident that happens to Addie in her junior high school pfe.每集打开一个尴尬的事件,发生员在她的初中生活。

6.Her oldest son, Cash, puts all of his carpentry skills into preparing her coffin, which he builds right in front of Addie's bedroom window.她的大儿子,现金,让他所有的木工技能准备她的棺材,他建立在眼前员的卧室窗口。

7.My crush, Addie, and I have run out of things to talk about so I will pretext to avoid any awkward silences.我的恋人,安迪和我已经没有什么可谈的了,所以我要找个借口来避免尴尬的沉默。

8.Aunt Addie's opinion did not count, and she never paid any attention to me anyway.艾迪姨妈的意见无所谓,因为她无论如何再也不会理睬我了。

9.As eighth grade draws quickly to a close, Addie still feels overlooked by the popular kids.如第八的等级很快地对一个结束拉,艾迪仍然感觉被流行的小孩俯看。

10."Sit down and shut up! " Aunt Addie bellowed.“坐下,住嘴!”艾迪小姨怒吼着。