





2.难得搞怪的阿德嫂 200902:Phoenix Wedding 凤凰新娘子 200907:Ader 难得搞怪的阿德嫂 200907:Charlene 夏琳小姐 ...

3.阿代尔 Adel 阿德尔 Ader 阿代尔 Adp 阿迪里 ...

4.艾德尔移动广告平台 teen 脚趾 ader 静脉 appendix 阑尾 ...


1."It's November and the market is trying to keep risk down for yearend so there is no risk tolerance, " Ader said.“已经到了11月,市场正尽力在年底前降低风险,所以对风险是零容忍。”Ader称。

2."[CDS trading is] all about the debt ceipng, " said David Ader, strategist at CRT Capital.“(CDS交易行情)针对的完全是债务上限,”CRTCapital策略师大卫•阿德(DavidAder)表示。

3." Buyers came in as we finally reached attractive levels , " said Mr Ader . "The price action should encourage Asian investors on Monday . "阿德表示:“由于债券收益率终于达到了具吸引力的水平,因此买家纷纷入场。这种价格走势周一应会鼓舞亚洲投资者。”

4.As the particle ages, the sh ader uses the age (in this case a float in ther ange of [0. . . 1]) to look up a color in a 1D texture.像粒子周期一样,着色起使用寿命(在这里是0到1的浮点数)来查找在1D纹理中的颜色。

5."We are nervous about inflation, " said David Ader, bond strategist at RBS Greenwich Capital.RBSGreenwichCapital债券策略师戴维-阿德(DavidAder)称:“我们对通胀感到不安。”

6.Mr Ader has returned several laws to parpament.他已经为国会夺回数项法律

7.However, Ader said this new lower range could bring about a drive toward 3. 0 percent in 10-year yields or perhaps lower.但Ader表示,10年期公债收益率可能跌向3.0%或更低。

8.Ooh! I heard that he love to lecraigspst ader people within.唉呀!我听说他很爱指使人的。学习包包。

9.This is why every te am needs a good le ader who is able to de al with all such te am work issues.这就是为何每个团队都需要一个好的领导可以解决这些团队合作中的问题。