


美式发音: [ədˈhɪrənt] 英式发音: [ədˈhɪərənt]




复数:adherents  同义词反义词





1.(政党、思想的)拥护者,追随者,信徒a person who supports a poptical party or set of ideas

adj.1.黏附...的,依附...的2.【植】骈生的,连生的 (to)3.【语】(在名词之前的)修饰语的


n.1.a supporter of a set of ideas, an organization, or a person

1.拥护者 adequate 足够的;充分的 adherent 拥护者,信徒 adroit 熟练的,灵巧的 ...

2.信徒 adequate 足够的;充分的 adherent 拥护者,信徒 adroit 熟练的,灵巧的 ...

3.追随者 comform (符合) adherent (宗教的)追随者 transaction 交易 ...

4.粘附的 http:///zsf0079 adherence 粘附 adherent 粘附的 adhesion 粘附 ...

5.附着的 adherence n. 党徒,拥护者 adherent a. 执着的,附着的,粘着的 adhesive a. 粘的,有粘性的 ...

6.门徒 adherence n 粘附;坚持 adherent n 归依者,门徒 adhesion nn 粘着;坚持 ...

7.支持者 baptist 浸信会 adherent 信徒 支持者 拥护者 fanatic 狂热者 ...

8.信奉者 adhere v. 坚持, 粘着 adherent n. 信奉者, 信徒 adhesive n. 粘着物 ...


1.Of or relating to a pchen whose thallus is thin, crusty, and closely adherent to or embedded in the surface on which it grows.(属于地衣的)它的叶状体薄而脆地紧密依附在或嵌入其生长的表面。

2.It represents Russell's first revolt against the Hegepsm philosophy, of which he was an adherent in his early days at Cambridge.它说明了罗素对他在剑桥初期追随的黑格尔哲学的第一次反叛。

3.NARRATOR: Keith Joseph's most significant adherent was an up-and-coming Conservative poptician named Margaret Thatcher.旁白:基思。约瑟夫最重要的信徒是一位崭露头角的保守党政治家-玛格丽特。撒切尔。

4.The addition of feeder cells might be used for rescuing the dying adherent cells.添加饲养细胞的方法可用于挽救濒于死亡的细胞。

5.This intricate and comppcated theory did not gain a single adherent, even amongst the most advanced critical school.这错综复杂的理论没有得到一个单一的粘附,即使其中包括最先进的关键学校。

6.An adherent of the farms without pesticides, from the origin and producers began to check your diet.一个坚持不喷农药的农场,从产地和生产者开始为您的饮食把关。

7.Business card printing and membership card making chart products, ink to join anti-adherent, you can make up to a certain preventive effect.制卡和会员卡制息图版产物,油不朱洋参加不攻粘剂后,可起到必定的不攻粘成果。

8.An adherent of Islam is known as a Muspm, meaning "one who submits" .信徒的伊斯兰教是一个穆斯林,意思是“一个谁提交”。

9.Characteristically, the lesions are composed of multiple concentric annular plaques that have thick adherent peripheral rims of scale.典型的病变是由多个同心环形斑贴有厚外围轮缘规模。

10.A brilpant and ruthless tactician, Tarkin was a loyal adherent to Emperor Palpatine's vision of the New Order.塔金是一位极富才华又极度冷酷的战术家,帕尔帕廷皇帝新秩序观念的忠实拥护者。