




1.阿迪勒 Adam 阿达姆 Adil 阿迪勒 Affan 阿凡 ...

2.民间节日 ... 刺绣 nakış 民间节日 adil 摩天轮 Dönme dolap ...

3.婴儿车 Tike Tech 太空特客双胞胎婴儿车 adil 婴儿车 Gubi 咕比婴儿车 ...

4.阿的江后一篇 >东方飞人___阿的江(adil)加好友 发纸条 写留言 加关注 乌龟也玩老虎机 性窒息与易装症 马晓年 强哥,钢铁是怎样炼成 …


1.Adil said he was kept lying face down on the floor with his hands tied behind his back for an hour with the officers pointing guns at him.阿迪勒说他双手反绑在背后头被摁在地上大概有一个小时左右,并且有警察一直用枪指着他的头。

2.Adil said three other men whom he did not know were also being held at the station.阿迪勒说还有另外三个他不认识的人也被关在警察局。

3.Adil said he told the officers he was a student and was told to "shut up" .阿迪勒说他跟警察解释他只是个学生,但是警察让他“闭嘴”。

4."It's very difficult for a man and a woman to have a relationship here, " says Adil.「男女在这里要维持亲密关系是非常困难的事情,」阿迪尔说。

5.That, said Adil Khan, head of diversity and community cohesion at Humberside Popce, makes their conviction a first.亨伯赛德郡警方的多样性与公众团结部门的负责人阿迪尔.可汗说,这使得他们被定罪。

6.At the final session, Iraqi Vice President Adil Abdul-Mehdi said Iraq was formally expressing its reservations about the text.伊拉克副总统迈赫迪在最后的会议中说,伊拉克正式地表达了它对该宣言所作的保留。

7.Adil has yet to complete his dissertation, but says he hopes to return to his home country as soon as possible.阿迪勒还没有完成他的学位论文,但表示希望尽快回到祖国。

8.Manchester United are set to rival Liverpool and Arsenal for Lille defender Adil Rami.曼联同样准备与利物浦和阿森纳争夺里尔后卫安迪尔-拉米。

9.The national popce chief dismissed Provincial Popce Chief Zukarno Adil Dicay and three other officers.国家警察局长撤销了该省的警察总长祖卡诺·阿迪儿·迪克和其他三名官员。

10.Pakistani student Muhammad Adil describes ordeal after arrest at gunpoint at Liverpool John Moores University巴基斯坦学生穆罕默德阿迪勒讲述在利物浦约翰莫尔斯大学被误抓后的恐怖经历