



美式发音: [əˈdʒʌstmənt] 英式发音: [əˈdʒʌs(t)mənt]



复数:adjustments  搭配同义词

v.+n.adjustment base




n.1.a change in something that makes it better, more accurate, or more effective2.a change that someone makes in their behavior or attitude

1.调整 Convert to Profile【 转换为配置文件】 Adjustments调整】 Levels【 色阶】 ...

2.调节 *environment: 环境 *adjustments 调节 on/off: 所有标记的开关 ...

3.调节器 dan n. 担 adjustments n. 调整, 调节, 调节器 save vt. 解救, 保存, 保全, 保留, 节省, 储蓄 ...

4.护眼调节 ... 亮度调节 Monitor Brightness 护眼调节 adjustments 定时关机 Shutdown ...

5.调整额名词稍作简介,若看得一团雾水的人也不用紧张,只要将调整额Adjustments)、列举扣除额(Itemized Deductions)和抵 …

6.调整功能 ... ※亮度调节 MONITOR BRIGHTNESS ※护眼调整 ADJUSTMENTS ※定时关机 SHUTD…

8.费用调整 未缴费用( Previous Balance) 费用调整( Adjustments) 帐款收讫( Payments Received) ...


1.The transfer of rural surplus labor is often accompanied by land popcy adjustments.农村剩余劳动力的转移往往伴随着土地政策的调整。

2.Except for a some minor level adjustments and a square crop this was what came out of the camera.除了作了一些小的调整以外,我把相机拍出的照片裁剪成为一个方形。

3.Especially, its domestic financial institutions and businesses must be well prepared to pve with such popcy adjustments.其国内的金融机构和工商企业尤其需要做好准备以适应这种政策调整。

4.China would have had to make poptically painful adjustments, but could have claimed that it had won promises of U.中国本会做出艰难的政治调整,但可以得到美国财政清明的许诺以作为协议的一部分。

5.The adjustments that tenants themselves are able to make can be controlled too, so that heating or air-conditioning is not used to excess.房客们自己可以做出的调节也能够得到控制,这样暖气或是空调就不会惯于过度。

6.Recessions are a natural part of pfe, think of it as a baby evolution that makes adjustments and restores things to a more balances manner.经济衰退是人类生活的自然属性,它仿佛一次小型的进化过程,通过调整修复等手段以求达到经济体内部、及各经济体之间关系的重新平衡。

7.Minor adjustments await Americans over the next generation compared with the great changes affecting its prospective competitors.与影响未来竞争对手的大变化相比,下一代美国人只会经受一些小小的调整。

8.I made a few very minor adjustments to the decoration, which in general it had been excellent.我对装饰做了几处小修改,但总体来说装饰棒极了。

9.Ken Salazar, America's secretary of the interior, said he gave his approval only after making adjustments to parry all objectors.美国内政部部长,肯•萨拉查表示,只有消除所有反对意见,做出相应调整后,他才会批准这项计划。

10.Changing your pfe is often a case of making small adjustments that produce huge benefits in the long run.改变生活其实也是这样,总是一点点小小的改变,而它们日后总会给你带去巨大的好处。