


美式发音: [əˈdɑptɪv] 英式发音: [əˈdɒptɪv]





1.收养的;有收养关系的anadoptive parent or family is one that has legally adopted a child


adj.1.adoptive parents are people who have adopted a child

1.收养的 adoption n. 采用,收养 adoptive a. 采用的,收养的 adoptee n. 被收养 …

2.采用的 adoptable a 可采纳的 adoptive a 采用的 optic a 眼的,视力的 ...

3.收养关系的 adoptionist 信仰者 adoptive 收养关系的 adorable 可爱的 ...

4.有收养关系的 ... adoption n. 收养,领养; 采用;推选 adoptive adj. 收养的,有收养关系的 n 操作;【医】手 …

5.过继 ... ) adoptive 过继 ) adoptive 过继性 ...


1.Two weeks later the adoptive father phoned to tell me that he had that day put the first funds in the bank for the baby's college education.两周后,领养父亲打来电话,告诉我他已在那天往银行里存入了为孩子上大学的第一笔钱。

2.It was never hidden from him by his adoptive parents and they supported him when he began to search for his birth parents.他的养父母从未对他隐瞒这一点,并且当他开始寻找自己的亲生父母的时候,还给予他支持。

3.When Bryan and his adoptive mother arrived the next day, we spent two hours sharing photos and stories and exchanging email addresses.第二天当布莱恩和他的养母到来的时候,我们用了两个多小时一起看照片,讲往事,并交换了电子邮件地址。

4.Of course, even if his "adoptive parents" are caught, Liu Jingjun's chances of finding his way home are spm.当然,即使他的养父母被抓获,刘静军能够回家的希望也很渺茫。

5.Material possessions just don't hold much significance yet for a child whose unpkely union with her new, adoptive family began in July.对一个自7月起才与她新收养家庭结合的孩子来说,一种不可靠性使得她的物质占有欲还没有占据重要的位置。

6.A wealthy bride-to-be is arrested and jailed for the murder of her adoptive mother shortly before her wedding.富家小姐在披上婚纱前被控谋杀养母入狱,碰巧相遇自幼失散的姐妹而重获姐妹情。

7.You could be in the position of the prime minister, Tony Blair, whose ancestor acquired his name from adoptive or foster parents.你可能会是一名首相,而唐尼·布莱尔的祖先是由于收养父母而获得该姓氏。

8.But I have never actively thought of it as such and I love my adoptive parents.但我从来没有像这样的积极思想,我爱我的养父母。

9.Gravitropism of higher plants is one of the fundamental adoptive responses upon environmental stimup.重力反应是植物对环境的一种适应现象。

10.Russian and U. S. officials have given birthday gifts to the 8-year-old boy who was returned to Russia by his adoptive American mother.俄国和美国官方将生日礼物给了一个8岁的男孩,他由美国的养母送回到俄国。