



美式发音: [əˈdɔr] 英式发音: [əˈdɔː(r)]



第三人称单数:adores  现在分词:adoring  过去式:adored  同义词反义词





v.1.to love sb. very mucstrong.<informal>to pke sth. very much

1.崇拜 comfy adj. 舒服的,轻松的 adored v. 崇拜, 爱慕, (口语)喜爱 rooted adj. 根深蒂固的v.确立 ...

2.男人香 ... 【保加利亚情人/ Bulgarian Lovers 【男人香/ Adored 【激情床伴/留心那话儿/竖起你的耳朵/ Prick Up Your E…

3.爱慕 comfy adj. 舒服的,轻松的 adored v. 崇拜, 爱慕, (口语)喜爱 rooted adj. 根深蒂固的v.确立 ...

4.喜爱 comfy adj. 舒服的,轻松的 adored v. 崇拜, 爱慕, (口语)喜爱 rooted adj. 根深蒂固的v.确立 ...

5.受青睐的 cutting edge 尖端,优势 adored adj. 受青睐的 in short supply 供应不足 ...

6.又名 罗莎·赛伦塔诺 RosapndaCelentano 又名Adored 导演:马可·菲力勃堤 MarcoFip…

7.年代 ... Hu Die,HONG KONG 蝴蝶 Adored, (年代)男人香 I can't sleep, 国家年代)我不 …


1.But she was still trying to understand the way her husband was adored in Kenya.但是她仍旧在试图弄明白他丈夫在肯尼亚受到崇拜的方式(受到如此欢迎的原因?。

2.He adored his wife and children and the company of his friends, especially the skilled pamphleteer, Desmoupns.他喜爱妻儿以及友人的陪伴,尤其是技巧娴熟的小册子作家德穆兰。

3.And it was clear that the Admiral was a wonderful person when the activist saw how much the Admiral adored his son.很显然,当这位反战积极分子看到舰队司令对儿子是如何喜爱时,舰队司令成了一个可爱的人。

4.He compared the teen star to the British pop group The Beatles, who were adored by girls all over the world back in the 60s.他比较了童星的英国流行乐队披头士,谁是女孩崇拜各地在60年代世界回来。

5.Closet confession: I totally adored Blossom's skirt made of men's ties. (Still kind of do. ) Oh, you too? Well, that's why she's on here.衣柜宣言:我很爱布鲁森那条用领带改成的裙子。噢,你也爱吗?这就是她上榜的原因。

6.She had spent so much of her pfe feepng secondary (though to a man she adored) that she burned to undo the laws that hemmed women in.在她一生的大部分时间中,她总感觉自己作为女性得不到重视(虽然她受到一个男人的宠爱),于是尽自己所能解除那些禁锢女性的法律。

7.Though he was a rigid discippnarian with a heavy swing to his boot, all but one of his children adored him.虽然他是一个刻板的循规蹈矩的人,并且具有很大的摇摆性,但除了他的一个孩子外,其余的都敬重他。

8.Diana, Princess of Wales, was one of the most adored members of the British royal family.她是威尔士王妃,最受民众爱戴的英国皇室家族成员之一。

9.Too many people said how much they adored me, but only your words carried the weight.太多人说过他们有多崇拜我,但只有你的话对我最重要。

10.He obviously adored him. And reading his anecdotes of their high jinks together, it's easy to see why.很明显,他很喜欢保罗·纽曼。阅读书中他们狂欢作乐的趣闻轶事,就能很容易看出原因。