




1.阿多诺 纳齐斯·阿赫 |Narziss Ach 西奥多·阿多诺 |Adorno 乔治·阿尔比 Albee ...

7.阿德诺阿德诺(Adorno)和 Frankel-Brunswik对权威人格进行了研究 ,米尔格 拉姆(S.Milgram)对人们服从权威的研究 ,费斯廷格 (L.Fes…


1.Therefore, Adorno 's natural beauty outlook is only a theological natural beauty outlook.因此,阿多诺的自然美观只是一种神学的自然美观。

2.Shortly after the war the German critic T. W. Adorno declared that "to write poetry after Auschwitz is barbaric. "二战结束后不久,德国批评家阿多诺宣称:「在奥许维茨(集中营)后,写诗便是野蛮。」

3.According to Marx's analysis of the Fetishism of the Commodity, Adorno fierce- ly criticized the American mass culture of that time.他以马克思对商品拜物教的经典分析为依据,对美国当时的大众文化进行了无情的鞭挞。

4.The relation lets us understand the dialectical constellations of Adorno's critical theory of culture industry.这种关系使我们能够得以理解在阿多诺文化工业批判理论中所形成的辩证法星丛的问题。

5.Adorno's "Anti-Art" and Zhuang Tzu's "Observing Law of Naturalness and Cherishing Truth"阿多诺的“反艺术”与庄子的“法天贵真”

6.The traces of non-conceptual things in Aristotle's philosophy is significant for Adorno 's reflection of modern metaphysics too.亚里士多德哲学中包含的非同一物的踪迹对于阿多尔诺反思近代形而上学也具有重要意义。

7.This paper is a research into Adorno's mimesis theory in the context of the western world's aesthetic history.本文旨在把阿多诺的摹仿理论放在西方美学史中进行考察,主要完成两个任务。

8.Culture industry is a concept created by Theodor Adorno and Max Horkheimer and is related to Marxist philosophy.文化产业是TheodorAdorno和MaxHorkheimer首创的概念,它还和马克思主义哲学有关。

9.This is the truth of Adorno insisted that the artistic aesthetic connotation, that is "flavor" of the non-death of a relative.这与阿多诺坚持艺术美学的真理性内涵,亦即“韵味”的不可逝性是相对的。

10.The art philosophy of Adorno occupies an important position in the academic community of the West.在西方学术界,阿多诺的艺术哲学占有相当重要地位。