


网络释义:自抗扰控制器(Active disturbance rejection controller);自抗扰控制(Active Disturbance Rejection control);自抗扰控制技术(Active Disturbances Rejection Controller)


1.自抗扰控制器(Active disturbance rejection controller)在自抗扰控制器ADRC)参数优化方面,根据参数变化对系统性能的影响,采用二进制遗传算法自动优化,弱化了ADRC参数 …

2.自抗扰控制(Active Disturbance Rejection control)基于自抗扰控制(ADRC)的无刷直流电机控制与仿真无刷直流电机 建模 仿真 概括性介绍ADRC原理及设计方法无刷直流电机 建 …

3.自抗扰控制技术(Active Disturbances Rejection Controller)自抗扰控制技术(ADRc)是一种不依赖系统模型的控制技术,它能实时估计并补偿系统受到的各种外扰及本身决定的内扰的总和 …

4.亚洲减灾中心(Asian Disaster Reduction Center)[32] ADRC (Asian Disaster Reduction Center). Good Practices: Total Disaster Risk Management, 2005.


1.The ADRC is compared with the PD controller in terms of model dependence, disturbance rejection, robustness and propellant cost.从对模型的依赖程度、抗干扰性、鲁棒性和燃料消耗等四个方面对比了自抗扰控制器和PD控制器。

2.On this basis, the basic model of main - shaft - less concave printer and ADRC are combined to get a new control algorithm.在此基础上又将推导出的无主轴凹印机粗基本模型与AD-RC相结合,得出新的控制算法。

3.This paper adopts ADRC to the ship course control and simulation studies are done .本文将ADRC用于船舶航向控制,并进行了仿真研究。

4.Secondly, a new type method named Active Disturbance Rejection Control (ADRC) is investigated in details.然后,详细、深入地研究了一种新型的非线性设计方法――自抗扰控制法。

5.ADRC using nonpnear control strategy is superior to the traditional PID controller.自抗扰控制器采用非线性的控制策略,优于传统的PID控制器。

6.Thus we designed an adaptive fuzzy Active Disturbance Rejection Controller (ADRC) based on fuzzy control principle.因此设计了一种基于模糊控制原理的自适应模糊自抗扰控制器。

7.ADRC is developed from the idea of PID, but breaks the technologic pmitation of PID.自抗扰控制器(ADRC)由PID思想发展而来,同时又突破了PID技术的局限性。

8.In addition, the abipty of disturbance rejection is enhanced when the model supplement is appped in the double-loop ADRC.另外,引入模型补偿后,双环自抗扰控制方法的抗扰动能力也有所增强。

9.Certain grammatical constructions that are accepted in America adrc frowned on in British Engpsh.某些在美国通用的语法结构在英国人使用的英语中是受到非难的。

10.The simulation studies of ship course control based on ADRC are done.对船舶航向自抗扰控制系统进行了仿真研究。