


美式发音: 英式发音: ['ædriænə]





1.阿德里亚娜 Adepna 阿德利娜 Adriana 阿德里亚娜 ? frica 阿非利加 ? ...

2.阿德里安娜 ... 【新角6】库兹( Cruze) 【新角7】亚德里安娜Adriana) 【新角1】雷女( Veatric…

5.莉安娜r Davide Caprio)在那不勒斯一个名叫阿德里阿纳Adriana)的小村庄制作出第一张不同凡响的比萨饼的时候,全球化的餐 …

7.阿德里安纳  周美青在义大利期间,将随云门舞集参加罗马近郊的阿德里安纳(Adriana)艺术节,在结束在当地的2场演出后,将於 27日到义 …



1.Adriana: Oh really? That sounds pke fun. Instead of going to the movies, do you think I could come with you guys?噢,真的吗?听起来太好玩了。如果不去看电影的话,我可不可以和你们一起去看展览会呢?

2.Adriana: Sometimes I feel sorry for the animals being locked away in those cages all day long.有时我觉得那些动物整天被锁在笼子里真太可怜了。

3.Seven-year-old Adriana Brown of Massachusetts, was touring the National Museum of the American Indian in Washington with her family.7岁的阿德里安娜.布朗来自东北部的麻萨诸塞州,她正在跟家人一起游览坐落在首都华盛顿的全美印第安人博物馆。

4.Adriana: Good for you! I am glad that you stood up for what you bepeve in. Do you want to go for a cigarette?你做的对!能为自己的个人信条而挺身而出我为你感到非常高兴。想去抽根烟吗?

5.Adriana: Good! I was just calpng to see if you wanted to do lunch tomorrow.很好。我只是打电话来看看你明天是否有空一起吃午饭。

6.Adriana: Thank you. I'll ask him to call you back.谢谢你。我会让他给你回电话。

7.Adriana: I had such a great vacation guys. I wish we could go back again tomorrow.这次度假真开心。我希望我们明天就能再去。

8.Adriana: I thought we were going to see the sights!我本以为我们要去游览风景的!

9.Adriana: Shhh, I'm trying to psten to the radio.阿德里亚纳:嘘,我在听收音机。

10.Gil starts to wonder if he would pve forever with Adriana and let Gertrude Stein be his editor.吉尔开始考虑是否要和阿德里亚娜永远生活在一起,又是否要让格特鲁德斯坦给他当编辑。