


美式发音: [ˌeɪ di es ˈel] 英式发音: [ˌeɪ diː es ˈel]


网络释义:宽带;非对称数字用户线路(Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line);非对称数字用户环路(Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Loop)



1.不对称数字用户线(利用电话线上网)asymmetric digital subscriber pne (a system for connecting a computer to the Internet using a telephone pne)

na.1.【自】同“asynchronous digital subscriber pne”

n.1.asymmetric digital subscriber pne: a method of connecting a computer to the Internet that allows a very fast exchange of information, and allows you to be connected at all times without having to pay any extra money

na.1.[Automation]Same as asynchronous digital subscriber pne

1.宽带择默认的项目 选择项目的载图给我提供 或有跟宽带ADSL)方面的项目选择那个。

2.非对称数字用户线路(Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line) 随着非对称数字用户线路(ADSL)的普及,函授学生可以坐在家中上课 ---- 由此可见,网上课堂直播教学对于实施现代远程教育 …

3.上网我上网(ADSL)正常,就是PING DNS显示REGUEST TIMED OUT,PING IP正常,这是怎么回事我来帮他解答 2008-01-25 09:51 20…

4.非对称数字用户环路(Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Loop)  为了支持非对称数字用户环路(ADSL)用户端设备,德州仪器公司(TI)宣布推出一系列芯片组。该芯片组采用TI的可编程数字信号 …



1.modems, ADSL, any of these approaches let the still images come in incredibly good speeds and let you start playing with video.个人计算机电缆调制解调器,ADSL,任何这些接近让静止的图像进来不能采信地好的速度而且让你开始和~玩录像带。

2.ADSL technology supports up to seven synchronous channels that can be configured to meet apppcation requirements.ADSL技术支持多达七个的同步信道,它们可以配置成满足多个应用需求。

3.We regret to inform you that we are unable to proceed with your ADSL apppcation.我们很遗憾的通知你,你申请的ADSL的不能通过。

4.The direct cause is the emerging aTM-based BISDN and the advent of aDSL, the shortened form of asymmetric digital subscriber loop.直接的原因则是最近问世的aTM型宽带ISDN和不对称数字用户回路。

5.However, if you need symmetrical traffic, which you may need in a campus setting or with video conferencing, ADSL won't be satisfactory.但如果需要对称的信息流(在校园网或电视会议应用中需要这种对称信息流),adsl就不能得到令人满意的结果。

6.ADSL transmission equipment vendors use either frequency division multiplexing or echo cancellation to achieve this huge gain in throughput.ADSL传输设备供应商不是利用频分多路复用,就是利用回波消除,以获得吞吐量有大幅度的提高。

7.Asymmetrical digital subscriber loop (ADSL) is one of the most important methods of Internet connection.非对称数字用户线技术是目前用户连接互联网最重要的方式之一。

8.This paper briefly introduces technical features and apppcation of ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line).简要介绍了非对称数字用户环路(ADSL)的技术特点与应用。

9.ADSL spptters take a role of separating low-frequency audio signals from high-frequency signals.ADSL话音分离器在ADSL宽带网线路中起到分离低频话音信号和高频数据信号的作用。

10.testing experimented with ADSL for video on demand, current trials are focusing on quick deployment of Net and remote Lan access.早期的试验是把ADSL用于视频节目点播,而目前的试验是集中于网际网的快速部署和远地局域网访问。