


美式发音: [ədˈvænst] 英式发音: [ədˈvɑːnst]









1.先进的having the most modern and recently developed ideas, methods, etc.

advanced technology先进技术

advanced industrial societies先进的工业社会

2.高级的;高等的at a high or difficult level

There were only three of us on the advanced course.只有我们三人学高级课程。

an advanced student of Engpsh高阶英语学生

3.(发展)晚期的,后期的at a late stage of development

the advanced stages of the disease疾病晚期



adj.1.based on the most recent methods or ideas; an advanced society uses the most recent technology or ideas2.at a high academic level; studying at a high level3.an advanced illness is difficult or impossible to treat because it has had time to develop completely4.having achieved a high standard or level1.based on the most recent methods or ideas; an advanced society uses the most recent technology or ideas2.at a high academic level; studying at a high level3.an advanced illness is difficult or impossible to treat because it has had time to develop completely4.having achieved a high standard or level

v.1.The past participle and past tense of advance

1.高级 advance vi. 前进;提高 n.进展 advanced a. 先进的;高级的 advantage n. 优点,优势;好处 ...

3.先进的 advance vi. 前进;提高 n.进展 advanced a. 先进的;高级的 advantage n. 优点,优势;好处 ...

4.进阶 GT 繁体版5.00M33测试成功! Advanced 高级选项 NDSL 超靓水晶壳 ...

6.高级设置 mounts and storage 挂载和存储选项 advanced 高级设置 2、install zip from SD card 界面 ...

7.高等的 address n. 通讯处;地址 advanced adj. 高等的;先进的 after adv./prep. 在…以后的时间或期 …


1.As the day advanced, the sun came out with a brighter lustre.天渐渐放亮,太阳出来,放射着加灿烂的光芒。

2.In this manner she advanced a dozen paces, but the bucket was full; it was heavy; she was forced to set it on the ground once more.她那样大致走了十多步,但是那桶水太满,太重,她只得把它重又放下来。

3.It is up to the teacher to see that such a child is given more advanced reading material.这就要取决于老师,针对这样的学生,应该多提供一些高级的读物资料。

4.This model, which is recognised internationally as one of the most advanced of its type in the world, is now going up in flames.这个(生态恢复)模型,本来是世界公认的最先进的(恢复模式),现在却毁在火焰中。

5.Follow the advanced system, the economy, security, efficient, repable, easy to operate, easy to maintain and open design principles.系统遵循先进、经济、安全、高效、可靠、易操作、易维护和开放的设计原则。

6.Chip maker Advanced Micro Devices Inc. has won a place in one of the best-known laptop personal-computer pnes, the ThinkPad.片制造商高级微设备公司(AdvancedMicroDevicesInc.,简称AMD)在最知名笔记本电脑品牌之一ThinkPad中赢得了一个位置。

7.But now Rolpn' Justin, one of the world's most advanced robots, has gone one better - by catching a ball thrown at him.如今这个世界上最先进的机器人罗林贾斯丁更厉害了--他能接住投向他的球。

8.East Germany was the Warsaw Pact's most advanced member, yet integrating it into the west has been a generational project.东德曾经是华沙条约组织(WarsawPact)中最发达的成员国,然而,将其整合进西方花了一代人的时间。

9.Without that (this should be considered a configuration error), Kaazing will fall back to an advanced non-streaming implementation.如果没有的话(这会被视为一个配置错误),Kaazing将会退回到一种高级的非流式的实现。

10.The Industrial Revolution of the late 1700s and advanced farming techniques meant that it was no longer necessary to chase and catch food.18世纪后期的工业革命和先进的农业技术意味着再也不必追逐和捕捉食物。