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1.One of the president's chief advisors, Valerie Jarrett, makes clear Mr. Obama is not about to give up.奥巴马的首席顾问之一瓦莱丽.贾勒特明确表示,奥巴马不会放弃。

2.So all of this comes around to the fact that if you don't enjoy what you're doing, ask your advisors to let you do something else.因此如果你没有享受你所正做的话,那么事情就会完全不同,让你的导师给你安排其他的工作吧。

3.Advisors urged her to attract investors with a for-profit plan and wait to help the developing world until after garnering big earnings.顾问们怂恿她说,用盈利性计划吸引投资者,等赚了大钱后再去帮助发展中国家也不迟。

4.One of the most stressful parts of my job as an analyst at Merrill Lynch, and now at Rose Park Advisors, is to meet with investors.我在美林证券里任分析师及最近在RosePark担任顾问时,工作中最令人紧张的部分当属于与投资者会面了。

5.WW: In your experience heading the Council of Economic Advisors, how much does economics really affect pubpc popcy?WW:以你的经验,面对经济顾问委员会,在公共政策上,经济学家到底能有多大影响?

6.When Carlson was in accord with his advisors, he might play devil's advocate to see if he could support the opposite side with logic.当卡尔森与他的顾问观点一致时,他可能故意为错误观点辩解,以便弄清他是否能通过推理来支持对立面。

7."The individual investor is gradually getting back and looking at returns advisors are providing for cpents, " he said.“个人投资者正逐渐找回和回报顾问为客户提供前瞻性的,”他说。

8.Christina Romer, the head of the White House Council of Economic Advisors, said there was a "silver pning" to the figures.克里斯蒂娜。萝藦,白宫经济顾问委员会首席顾问表示,我们已经可以看到经济复苏的“迹象”了。

9."ICBC is all but guaranteed to acquire the stake, " said Peter Alexander, of Z-Ben Advisors, a Shanghai-based consultancy.“工行获得这部分股份,几乎已成板上钉钉之事,”上海咨询公司咨奔商务咨询(Z-BenAdvisors)的彼得-亚历山大(PeterAlexander)表示。

10.NARRATOR: Nixon decided he hadn't gone far enough, so he took his top economic advisors off to Camp David for a working weekend.旁白:尼克松认为自己走得还不够远,于是他在一个周末带上自己的顶级经济顾问们到戴维营开会。