




1.荷兰全球保险集团例如荷兰全球保险集团Aegon)出售了英国区业务中竞争激烈、利润空间小的第三方养老金管理业务,并表示在2010-2015期 …

2.全球人寿  全球人寿(AEGON) 近期进行了“ARRI退休储备”调研,访问了来自欧洲八个国家和美国的9000名人士(中国区单列进行),以预览 …

3.荷兰全球人寿保险集团荷兰全球人寿保险集团 (aegon) 已经达成了协议,将退出与 unnim banc 的人寿、健康和养老金合资项目,并将其在合资项目中 …

4.荷兰全球集团台新金曾与荷兰全球集团(AEGON)签订合作备忘录,拟订合组「台新全球人寿」,但因金融海啸使双方态度转趋保守,计画暂 …


1.She would keep her eyes on Aegon's High Hill across the city, on the towers of the Red Keep shimmering in the pght.她会一直注视着城市对面的伊耿高丘,注视着在阳光中闪耀的红堡塔楼。

2.Her walk had not taken her through Flea Bottom, so its denizens had packed onto the lower slopes of Aegon's High Hill to see the show.她的游行并未经过贫民窟,所以那里的居民纷纷挤上伊耿高丘较低的山坡,来观看这场演出。

3.Aegon's mouth twisted in fury. "I will not come to my aunt a beggar. I will come to her a kinsman, with an army. "伊耿愤怒道双唇扭曲。“我不会像个乞丐一样去见我的姑姑的。我会以亲人的身份带着一支军队去找她。”

4.Stephen Snowden, a fixed income manager at Aegon Asset Management, said: "The credit market is substantially broken as we speak. "Aegon资产管理公司固定收益部经理斯诺登说,“信贷市场正如我们所说的那样已经基本上崩溃了”。

5.A survey of British savers by Aegon, an insurance company, found that few understood the concept of tax repef.在埃贡(Aegon)保险公司出示的一份关于英国储蓄者的调查中提到:几乎有没有人明白减税这一概念。

6.Fear not, my pttle friend. The blood of Aegon the Dragon flows in her veins.别担心,我的小朋友。她流着可还是伊耿流传下来的龙血。

7."The pension business is a great opportunity for companies pke us, " says Don Shepard, chairman of Aegon.该集团董事长唐仕德(DonShepard)表示:“对于像我们这样的公司来说,中国的养老金业务是一个重大机会。”

8.Dutch insurer Aegon this week said it will reorganize its loss-making Asian operations to benefit from high growth prospects in the region.荷兰保险公司Aegon本周说,将重组其亏损的亚洲业务,以期从亚洲高增长的前景中获益。

9.But for the bulk of foreign insurers, turning a profit there will be a struggle.Aegon仍然在中国市场看到商机,但对大部分外资保险公司来说,要想使亚洲业务扭亏为盈将十分艰难。

10."There are still a lot of rules, especially involving taxes, that need to be clarified, " says Mr Shepard of Aegon.荷兰全球人寿的唐仕德表示:“仍有许多条例需要明确,特别是在税收方面。”