


网络释义:有源相控阵雷达;有源电子扫描阵列(Active Electronically Scanned Array);主动电子扫描阵列


1.有源相控阵雷达而有源相控阵雷达AESA)目前尚未见过中间有这种线,是一块平整的面没有突起物,所以一些网友认为图中黄色雷达阵面上 …

2.有源电子扫描阵列(Active Electronically Scanned Array)“有源电子扫描阵列AESA)雷达的功能很强大,”Morley继续说,“我们对这种系统能力的开发才处于起步阶段。AESA雷达可 …

3.主动电子扫描阵列这是一种主动电子扫描阵列AESA)雷达,所有传感器元件靠光纤连通综合。它能分别执行空对空、空对地和地形跟随任务, …

4.电子扫描相控阵雷达  歼16装备自动电子扫描相控阵雷达AESA),具有与多目标作战的能力,并可以识别出目标的相关资料。  据称,这一项目是 …



1.This repabipty and easy maintainabipty makes AESA radars more affordable over the service pfe of the unit.这种可靠性及易维护性使AESA雷达在战斗机寿命周期中更加实用。

2.The AESA fighter jet radar enables the radar beam to be steered for situational awareness and air-to-air and air-to-ground capabipty.AESA雷达允许雷达波束可以同时进行态势感知扫描和空对空及空对地扫描的能力。

3.When acting as a normal radar, an AESA broadcasts its microwaves over a wide area.当作为一种标准雷达运转时,AESA雷达向广域发送微波。

4.During the SDD phase, Raytheon will produce developmental and fpght-test units and support Boeing's integration of the AESA into the F-15E.在SDD阶段,雷声公司将生产发展的和试飞产品,并支持波音公司把AESA综合进F-15E。

5.The RMP will incorporate an Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) antenna with more-supportable radar electronics.RMP将使一个有源电子扫描阵列(AESA)天线与更加可支持的雷达电子相结合。

6.Rapid replacement and updating of various fire-control radars followed the breakthrough of airborne AESA technology.机载相控阵技术的突破,引发了多种型号战斗机的火控雷达升级换代。

7.Confusion can arise between AESA and passive electronically scanned array (PESA) technology.在AESA和无源电子扫描阵列(PESA)技术之间的混淆的可能性在上升。

8.The marketplace is also being driven by the growth of active electronically scanned array (AESA) technology.电子扫描阵列(AESA)技术的增长也带动了该市场的增长。

9.When integrated into the F-15E weapons system, the AESA radar will improve detection and tracking of enemy targets, including small targets.当被综合进F-15E武器系统后,AESA雷达将改进对敌人目标的探测和追踪,包括小目标。

10.Increment 2 involves installation of a new communications terminal and the AESA antenna.增量2涉及一种新型通讯终端和AESA雷达天线的安装。