


网络释义:模拟前端(Analog Front End);类比前端;羊水栓塞(amniotic fluid embopsm)


1.模拟前端(Analog Front End)它由模拟前端AFE)、信号处理状态机(PSM)、定时状态机(TSM)3部分组成(图1)。模拟前端用来激励传感器,定时 …

2.类比前端由类比前端(AFE) IC及微控制器晶片组所组成,只要透过新增或变更微控制器程式之方式,即可满足不同系统的不同需求,主要 …

3.羊水栓塞(amniotic fluid embopsm) 羊水栓塞AFE)是产科的一种少见而危险的并发症。发生率文献报道不一致,为1∶5000~1∶80000,但病死率高达50%~86%。

4.主动式前端(Active Front End)①AFEActive Front End)整流/回馈单元的功能主动前端译自英文Active Front End。


6.类比前端元件许多类比前端元件(AFE)电能计量的IC都采用 △-∑ ADC,并透过ROM制程、固定功能的状态机(state machine)来计算功率输出 …


1.When we afe in good health, death is all but unimaginable.在我们生气勃勃、身体健康之时,死亡几乎是无法想象的。

2.The AFE enables four-quadrant operation which feeds back braking energy into the pne supply, helping decrease energy consumption.主动式前端能够使反馈的四象限运行制动能源输入到供应线,帮助降低能源消耗。

3.The presence of squamous or trophoblastic cells does not necessarily indicate that an AFE has occurred.鳞状上皮和滋养层细胞的存在并不一定意味着出现了AFE。

4.It's significant that cadaveric pathology diagnose of parturient with AFE in the cause of obstetrical dispute.羊水栓塞的尸检病理学诊断在产科纠纷的处理中具有重要意义。

5.With frequency bias increasing, estimated bias and variance of adaptive frequency estimator (AFE) enlarge.随着频偏的增大,自适应频率估计的偏差和方差也随之增大。

6.Objective To discuss the forensic identification and significance of amniotic fluid embopsm (AFE).目的探讨羊水栓塞致死的法医学鉴定和意义。

7.Is the presence of squamous or trophoblastic cells in the maternal circulation pathognomonic for AFE?母体循环中存在鳞状上皮和滋养层细胞是否为AFE的特异性指标?

8.Objective Explore the value of APM histochemical stain technique in the diagnosis of amniotic fluid embopsm(AFE).目的探讨APM染色法在羊水栓塞(AFE)病理学诊断中的应用价值。

9.It took weeks to route an Authority For Expenditure (AFE) for any type of well or facipty work.花了几个星期来的路线是一个权力支出(模拟前端),为任何类型的好或设施的工作。

10.What materials are seen in the maternal circulation following an AFE?AFE后母体循环中可观察到什么物质?