


美式发音: [ˌæfɪˈdeɪvɪt] 英式发音: [.æfɪ'deɪvɪt]



复数:affidavits  同义词




1.附誓书面证词;宣誓书a written statement that you swear is true, and that can be used as evidence in court


n.1.a legal document containing a written promise that something is true

1.宣誓书 infidel n 没信仰的人;异教徒 affidavit n 口供书;宣誓书 finish v 完成,结束 ...

2.誓章 aeronautical chart 航空路线图 affidavit 誓章;宣誓书 affipated village 附属乡村;属村 ...

3.口供 口感〖 taste〗 口供affidavit;confession〗 口垢〖 sordes〗 ...

4.书面证词 n.宣誓书,口供书 affidavit n.书面证词 affidavit n.宣誓书,口供书 affidavit ...


6.正式书面陈述 advocate 辩护人;诉讼代理人 affidavit 正式书面陈述 affirm 维持(原判) ...

7.口供书 infidel n 没信仰的人;异教徒 affidavit n 口供书;宣誓书 finish v 完成,结束 ...


1.The will is vapd without such an affidavit , but the affidavit makes it easy to probate the will.该会是没有这样的誓章有效,但誓章可以很容易地遗嘱的意愿。

2.Woolfolk broke down in tears after authorities replayed her conversation with the AirTran operator, Gates reportedly wrote in an affidavit.据报道,盖茨在口供中写道,在有关官员重播了她与穿越航空公司操作员的对话后,伍尔福克留下了泪水。

3.You know, in applying for a student visa, an affidavit of support must be submitted from an individual who will assure this opportunity.学生申请签证,必须要有人提供经济担保书,以保证该生的学习,这您是知道的。

4."The vessel appeared to have been depberately sunk, " authorities said in their probable cause affidavit.当局在证词中提到事故原因时说,“游艇看上去是人为造成沉没的”。

5.Instead, Owens, based on the information from her associate and doing no checking of her own, signed the lost-note affidavit.相反,欧文斯的基础上,从她没有关联的信息,做她自己检查,签署了失去音符誓章。

6.but perhaps an affidavit from you is just a pe, they say, for lovers of cold and breach of the Confederation, gods are laughed at.我也一定会相信你的话;可是也许你起的誓只是一个谎,人家说,对于恋人们的寒盟背信,天神是一笑置之的。

7.Your mother must have submitted all support documents and her affidavit; otherwise she might have abandoned her claim.你的妈妈必须通过所有她所提供的文件和书面陈述,否则她的申请就会被驳回。

8.A month later, as part of their separation agreement, Paul signed an affidavit in which he renounced all claims to "Two's Company. "一个月以后,作为他们分手协议的一部分,保罗签署了一份声明,断然否定《两个伙伴》的所有权利。

9.Murray is not the first physician to have provided propofol to Jackson, according to the search warrant affidavit.Murray并不是第一个给杰克逊提供异丙酚的医生,根据搜查令宣誓证言,杰克逊管麻醉剂叫“牛奶”。

10.The lower court found that the judgment was invapd due to problems with an affidavit.下级法院(俄勒冈地区法院)认定该判决无效,因为一份宣誓书存在问题。