


美式发音: [əˈfɜrmətɪv] 英式发音: [əˈfɜː(r)mətɪv]




复数:affirmatives  同义词反义词



adv.yes,sure,certainly,absolutely,of course



1.肯定的;同意的anaffirmative word or reply means ‘yes’ or expresses agreement


1.肯定;同意a word or statement that means ‘yes’; an agreement or a confirmation

She answered in the affirmative(= said ‘yes’) .她作出了肯定的答复。



adj.1.showing that you meanyes2.showing support for something

n.1.the wordyes,” or a sign that you agree with something

1.肯定的 affinity n. 密切关系,吸引力 affirmative adj. 赞成的,肯定的 affpction n. 痛苦,折磨 ...

2.积极的 对…持怀疑态度 to discount (态度,方法等)积极的 affirmative 俨然以恩人态度的 patronizing ...

3.赞成的 affinity n. 密切关系,吸引力 affirmative adj. 赞成的,肯定的 affpction n. 痛苦,折磨 ...

4.同意 affirmative flag 同意旗 affirmative 同意 affirmed 收到来电 ...

5.正面的 affirm v. 断言,肯定 affirmative a. 肯定的,正面的 n. 肯定语,赞成方 面 ...

6.肯定词 affair n. 事,事务 affirmative adj. 肯定的;n.肯定词 agenda n. 议事日程 ...

7.肯定性的正面或肯定性的affirmative)问题,2.言论自由的价值 2.1.言论自由的价值与近代观念的演变 言论自由的价值与近代社会 …


1.It has become a Chinese pet phrase. The pronunciation of the word is low, with the affirmative character, similar to the sound of plowing.事实上,这个词并不玄妙,它在中国话里已成为口头禅,并且有着类似于铁犁划开土地的低沉、肯定的发音。

2.So India is trying to engineer advancement for its underclass through a vast and growing affirmative-action program.因此,印度正试图通过一项广泛并不断扩大的平权行动计划来推动贫困阶层的发展。

3.The era of affirmative action, or preferential treatment for blacks, seems to be drawing to a close.对于黑人来说,“反歧视行动”[6]或者说“从优对待”的时代似乎将要一去不复返。

4.being answered in the affirmative , he said he was sorry for me , because it was an expensive undertaking , and the expense would be lost.他得到肯定答复之后就说,他很为我惋惜,因为这是一项耗费昂贵的事业,所费都会付诸东流。

5.Until then you are expected to be in constant state of movement and this for you means progress through positive affirmative action.在此之前,你们被期待着保持恒定的运动状态,这对你们而言,意味着通过积极肯定的行动而前进。

6.but free logicians came out with the affirmative answer from free logic point of view.自由逻辑学家则从自由逻辑的角度给出了肯定的答案。

7.Affirmative action has been a divisive issue in the United States for close to thirty years.扶持行动已接近30年来在美国分裂的问题。

8.Usually, the predicate of an affirmative-negative question is composed of an affirmative form and a negative form of a verb or an adjective.一般正反疑问句,其谓语是由动词或形容词的肯定形式与否定形式并列起来构成的。

9.From the roof tops, a sniper calls in to his commander, "Number eight, affirmative. I've got him in sight. "在屋顶上,狙击手呼叫指挥官,“八号,确认,嫌犯已在我射程内。”

10.Local elections were due, in which, as an affirmative-action measure, Shahabpur was to be reserved for a dapt pradhan.地方选举到期了,而在选举中,作为一个肯定的行动措施,沙哈普尔的普拉丹将留给达利特来当。