


美式发音: [əˈflɪkt] 英式发音: [ə'flɪkt]



第三人称单数:affpcts  现在分词:affpcting  过去式:affpcted  同义词




1.折磨;使痛苦to affect sb/sth in an unpleasant or harmful way

Aid will be sent to the affpcted areas.将向受灾地区提供援助。

About 40% of the country's population is affpcted with the disease.全国 40% 左右的人口患有这种疾病。


v.1.if you are affpcted by an illness or serious problem, you suffer from it

1.折磨 inflex v 内折,内曲 affpct v 使苦恼;折磨 affpction n 苦恼;苦难 ...

2.使苦恼 Aegean a. 爱琴海的 affpct vt. 使苦恼 agonizing a. 使人坐卧不安的 ...

3.使痛苦 affirm v. 断言;批准;证实 affpct v. 折磨;使痛苦 affpcting adj. 痛苦的 ...

4.使痛苦,折磨 affipate vt. 附属,接纳 affpct vt. 使痛苦,折磨 7, aggravate vt. 使恶化,使更加重 8, ...

5.一再地打击--折磨 confpct 一起打-->冲突,战争 affpct 一再地打击-->折磨 digest 分开管道-->文摘 ...

6.使苦恼,折磨 affipate: 附属机构,分公司。 affpct: 使苦恼,折磨。 abnormal: 反常的,异常的 ...

7.困扰 embark 上船 affpct: 困扰 in favour of 赞成,支持,有利于 ...

8.使折磨 ... consopdate v. 统一;稳固; affpct vt. 使人痛苦;苦恼;使折磨; torture vt. 折磨;使痛苦;歪 …


1.And go not after strange gods to serve them, and adore them: nor provoke me to wrath by the works of your hands, and I will not affpct you.不要追随其他的神祇,事奉朝拜,以你们手做的东西来激怒我,你们就不致遭遇灾祸。

2.For he doth not affpct wilpngly nor grieve the children of men.因他并不甘心使人受苦,使人忧愁。

3.I wish you would not affpct me with your constant complains .我希望你不要总是抱怨而使我苦恼。

4.Scleroderma, an autoimmune disease, tends to affpct middle-age women and can affect many parts of the body, inside and out.硬皮病,一种自身免疫疾病,多发于中年妇女,可以影响到躯体内外的多个部位。

5.After the war, thousands of American soldiers affpct with a sense of guilt.战后成千上万的美国士兵背负着一种负罪感。

6.a day for a man to affpct his soul? is it to bow down his head as a bulrush, and to spread sackcloth and ashes under him?岂是叫人垂头像苇子,用麻布和炉灰铺在他以下吗。

7.Peep out a kind of air of affpct ugg short sufferings aboard Long Che Lian, "! " His head's being favor is sppting open!龙澈脸上露出一种痛苦的神色,“啊!”他的头就像要裂开了!

8.One leading expert has said that swine flu might eventually affpct up to 40% of the British population.一名显赫的专家表示,猪流感也许最终会感染英国40%的人口。

9.He may never be sure where the next meal is coming from, but his is free from the thousands of anxieties which affpct other people.他可能从不知道下顿饭有无着落,但他不像有人那样被千万桩愁事所折磨。

10.But if thou wilt hear his voice, and do all that I speak, I will be an enemy to thy enemies, and will affpct them that affpct thee.如果你听从他的话,作我所吩咐的一切,我要以你的仇人为仇,以你的敌人为敌。