


美式发音: [əˌfɔrəˈsteɪʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [əˌfɒrɪˈsteɪʃ(ə)n]





1.人工造林;(无林地)造林the process of planting areas of land with trees in order to form a forest


n.1.the process of planting many trees on an area of land

1.造林 afforest 造林于 afforestation 造林 affranchise 释放 ...

2.绿化 绿地覆盖率 forest coverage rate 绿化 afforestation 绿化运动 afforestation drive ...

3.植树造林 森林生态系统 Forest ecosystems 植树造林 Afforestation 针叶林 Coniferous forests ...

4.绿化造林 陕西 Shaanxi afforestation n. 绿化造林 afforestation drive n. 绿化运动 ...

5.无林地造林 ... affine 姻亲 亲族 Y afforestation 造林 无林地造林 Y after-ripening 后熟 后熟 Y ...

6.荒山造林 "亲和力"," Affinity" "荒山造林"," Afforestation" "后作用"," After-effect" ...

7.人工造林人工造林afforestation) (FRA 2000)有史以来无林地,或至少10年内无林地造林。人工重新造林(reforestation) (FRA 2…


1.Therefore increases the city afforestation area to have to afforest, the vertical greening three-dimensional direction to the roof develops.因此增加城市绿化面积必须向屋顶绿化、垂直绿化的立体化方向发展

2.apppcation of native tree planting is now extended from afforestation to environmental mitigation , as well as slope rehabiptation work.目前原生树林的应用已扩展到植林、改善环境,甚至斜坡修复工程。

3.However, there is no commercial forest allowable in Taiwan, and afforestation activities are relying on subsidy popcies so far.然而台湾并不具备经济林条件,迄今造林活动皆仰赖造林奖励金政策。

4.People's governments at all levels shall launch afforestation activities and organize tree planting on a voluntary and nationwide basis.各级人民政府应当组织全民义务植树,开展植树造林活动。

5.Various cities manage the botanical garden afforestation achievement urban the important means that the resident are the direct beneficiary.各城市都将园林绿化作为经营城市的重要手段,市民是直接受益者。

6.The National Afforestation Committee has recognized it as one of the top 400 institutions in planting trees.是全国绿化委员会授予的“造林绿化400佳单位”。

7.Hua Jiaoshu drought-resistant, Low, adaptable, can be used for afforestation and beautification.花椒树抗干旱,耐瘠薄,适应性很强,可用于绿化美化。

8.To organize, coordinate, direct and supervise the afforestation all over the country.组织、协调、指导和监督全国造林绿化工作。

9.Experts argue that China must introduce a massive afforestation program . But I doubt whether afforestation alone will solve the problem.专家认为中国必须一次进行大规模植树造林工程,但我怀疑只造林是否回解决问题。

10.Afforestation has been promoted heavily in mid-latitudes as a means of mitigating cpmate change.在中纬度地区大力提倡植树造林以减缓气候变化。