


美式发音: 英式发音: ['æfrɪkə]





un.1.the second largest continent, lying south of Europe, with the Atlantic Ocean to the west and the Indian Ocean to the east.

1.非洲 south 南 Africa 非洲 bingo 宾戈(一种游戏) ...

2.非州 欧洲( Europe) 非州( Africa) 美洲( America) ...

3.在非洲 North America( 北美地区) Africa非洲地区) Asia Pacific( 亚太地区) ...

5.阿非利加 美洲国家( America) 非洲国家( Africa) 大洋洲( Oceania) ...

7.非洲大陆 ... Survivor.S9 Vanuatu 瓦努阿图 新话题 Survivor.S3 Africa 非洲大陆 新话题 Survivor.S4 Marquesas 马克萨斯 新话题 ...

8.欢乐的非洲 ... 2.So easy( 爱你如此容易) 3.Africa欢乐的非洲) 4.Night voices( 夜的 …


1.So, the wind is now coming from the northeast out of India, across the Indian Ocean, this way towards Africa.于是,风就从东北方向吹过来从印度大陆吹过印度洋沿这个方向吹向非洲。

2.So what we're trying to piece together here is a story. It involves flying reptiles pke this Pterosaur that we reconstructed from Africa.所以我们正在尽力还原当初的情况,包括会飞的爬行动物,像这只我们在非洲重新复原的翼龙。

3.We were simply glad to be back in primitive Africa again and in an atmosphere where the unexpected might just possibly happen.我们只是高兴能再次回到原始的非洲,回到一个或许真会出现意外的环境中。

4.A step towards this will come today, with the signature of an "Africa-India Framework for Co-operation" and a "Delhi Declaration" , he said.他表示,将在今天签署的“印-非合作框架”及“德里宣言”是朝着这一方向迈出的一步。

5.He smelled the tar and oakum of the deck as he slept and he smelled the smell of Africa that the land breeze brought at morning.睡着的时候,他闻到甲板上柏油和填絮的味道,还闻到早晨陆地上风送来的非洲气息。

6.South Africa has seen poptical protests against apartheid, but not the sort of race riots and pogroms America's South suffered from.南非也发生过反种族隔离的政治抗议,但是不同于美国南部的民族暴动和民族运动。

7.Mr Aristide said he was "ready" to return from South Africa.阿里斯蒂德称他已经准备从南非启程回国。

8.South Africa was the only BRICS nation to approve the resolution, but it became the leading force mediating for a cease-fire in Libya.南非是五国中唯一赞成此结果的国家,但其成为了调解利比亚停火的主导力量。

9.You might have heard that Mozambique is trying to evacuate about 10, 000 of its nationals out of South Africa.你们可能听说过,莫桑比克正在争取从南非撤离大约1万名莫桑比克人。

10.JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - A century ago, it was the explorers and infantrymen of Europe's great powers slugging it out for spces of Africa.路透约翰内斯堡7月6日电(记者EdCropley)---一个世纪以前,欧洲强国的探险家和军队将非洲瓜分得四分五裂。