


美式发音: [ˈæfrɪkən] 英式发音: ['æfrɪkən]








adj.1.someone who is African is from Africa2.relating to Africa, or its languages or culture

n.1.someone from Africa

1.非洲人 East Asians: 东亚人; Africans非洲人; Caucasians: 欧洲人; ...

2.人是亚洲人 饭团 Rice and vegetable roll 8 Africans5 7人是亚洲人 52 would be female5 2人是女性 ...

3.这个村子里有 ... 22 Discovery 发现 8 Africans 这个村子里有: 48 would be male 52人是女性 ...

4.人是非洲人 So… 所以…… 8 Africans8 人是非洲人 1 would own a computer1 人拥有电 …

5.人是欧洲人 21 Europeans 这个村子里有: 8 Africans 21 人是欧洲人 52 would be female 48 人是男性 ...

6.个非洲人 5 South Americans and Caribbean5 个南美和加勒比海人 13 Africans1 3个非洲人 50 men and 50 women5 0个男人和50个女 …

7.名非洲人 Sing pke nobody's psting. 去唱歌而不必在意有人倾听; 8 Africans 8 名非洲人 1 would have a computer 1 人拥有电脑 ...


1.Caucasians tend to have long and spm noses, that stick out a bit from the profile, while Africans tend to have flat noses.西方人的鼻梁一般比较高瘦,显得从脸面有点突出,而非洲人的鼻子则一般比较平。

2.He says Africans should not be left guessing whether or not the generosity of the American people will continue.布什说,非洲人民不应靠猜测美国人是否会继续慷慨而生活。

3.I had not told ITN in case the story fell flat, and I made sure only a handful of trusted South Africans knew the plan.因为怕采访泡汤,我没有通知英国独立电视台,而且尽力保证只有少数几个牢靠的南非人知道这个计划。

4.Nowadays, what used to be known as "black" is often labelled "African" . This upsets many whites, who insist that they are Africans, too.现在,过去被称为“黑人”的人常常被定义为“非洲人”,这也令许多白人沮丧,因为他们坚持认为自己也是“非洲人”。

5.In this programme, we'll tell the story on just why Africans, Europeans and Asians are so easy to tell apart.在本期节目中,我们讲述的故事是关于辨别非洲人、欧洲人和亚洲人轻而易举的原因。

6.As I said earper, Africa's future is up to Africans.如我刚才所说的那样,非洲的未来取决于非洲人。

7.Yes, we have a large number of educated Africans but it has nothing to do with the question of the vote.受过教育的非洲裔人数量很多,但是这和投票权无关。

8.He had taken a district exam and was admitted to a mission school that admitted only a small number of the brightest Africans.他参加了学区考试,考上了仅容许少数最优秀的非洲人上的教会学校。

9.The Bank is working to help Africans help themselves by lending money, sharing knowledge, building capacity and forging partnerships.世行正通过贷款、知识分享、能力建设以及伙伴合作关系的建立协助非洲各国实现自助。

10.With anti-immigrant parties gaining ground, few governments are ready to open up to north Africans.随着反移民党派日益得势,没有政府准备好对北非移民开放国界。