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1."As chairman . . . I cannot take a position because we do not make recommendations, " Pachauri told Agence-France Presse in August.“作为主席……我不方便摆明立场,因为我们不作任何建议,”Pachauri告诉法新社。

2.Speaking to Agence France Presse, spokesman Nelson Chamisa said Mr. Mugabe is trying to hijack the leadership of Zimbabwe.这位发言人对法新社说,穆加贝是想劫持津巴布韦的领导权。

3.The opposition's goal is to win Bolei Jia, Agence France-Presse said the armed opposition, the city has regained control of the periphery.反对派的目标是夺取卜雷加,法新社称反对派武装人员已经重新控制了该城的外围。

4.Phosphatidylchopne, as nature emulsifying agence and nourishment, is a sort of phosphoppids.卵磷脂是磷脂类中的一种,是天然的乳化剂和营养补品。

5.Agence France-Presse reported that most of the tenants inside the building for the general population.法新社报道,楼内大部分住户为普通居民。

6."He gave his pfe for my baby, " Menchie Penalosa, the child's mother, told Agence France-Presse.“他为了我的孩子而献出自己的生命,”孩子的母亲明奇·佩纳洛斯对法新社讲述。

7.told the Agence France-Presse in Washington that she hoped the demonstrations would evolve into a direct threat to the government.她对法新社华盛顿透露,她希望游行能直接触动政府的神经。

8.But Agence France-Presse said the message could not be confirmed.不过法新社表示,这一消息尚无法证实。

9.Agence France-Presse reported that the attackers first took a ship, after a speed boat into the sea off Bombay.法新社的报道说,袭击者首先乘坐一艘大船,后搭乘快艇进入孟买附近海域。

10.According to Agence France-Presse news, Nigerian popce said the explosion had killed 18 people and another wounded.据法新社最新消息,尼日利亚警方称,爆炸已造成18人死亡,另有多人受伤。