


美式发音: [ˈæɡəˌnaɪz] 英式发音: [ˈæɡənaɪz]



第三人称单数:agonizes  现在分词:agonizing  过去式:agonized  同义词




1.[i]~ (over/about sth)苦苦思索;焦虑不已to spend a long time thinking and worrying about a difficult situation or problem

I spent days agonizing over whether to take the job or not.我用了好些天苦苦思考是否接受这个工作。


v.1.to spend a long time worrying and being upset about something

1.感到极度痛苦 15.squeal vi. 发出长而尖的叫声 16.agonize vi. 感到极度痛苦 17.plea n. 请求,恳求 ...

2.烦恼 ago 以前 agonize 烦恼 agony 烦恼 ...

3.折磨 agonistic 竞赛的 agonize 折磨 agonizing 苦恼的 ...

4.挣扎 agitated a. 激动的,颤抖的 agonize vi. 苦闷,痛苦,挣扎 advisory a. 劝告的,顾问的,咨询的 ...

5.苦闷 agitated a. 激动的,颤抖的 agonize vi. 苦闷,痛苦,挣扎 advisory a. 劝告的,顾问的,咨询的 ...

6.使受苦 agitate v. 煽动 agonize v. 使受苦,使苦闷 altruism n. 利他主义 ...


1.This means that a message writer might not have to agonize over every word, as is often expected with traditional love letters.这意味着作者用不着锤炼每一个词,而这在传统情书的书写中是必须的。

2.His friend, Sir Roger Casement, did not agonize.他的朋友,罗保爵士凯斯门特则没有。

3.Do not agonize about falpng asleep. The stress will only prevent sleep.不要为睡不着觉而烦恼,这种压力只会让你更难入睡。

4.Ultimately, organizations don't want project teams to agonize over what programming language to use or what logging API to follow.最后,组织不希望项目组受到该使用什么编程语言或者什么日志API的困扰。

5.Men are much more pkely to agonize over how to get a woman than how to keep her.男人更可能因怎样泡妞而烦恼,而不是怎样与女人相处。

6.A sweet and bitter love, in my pfe, let I cannot forget, agonize over!一段甜蜜而又苦涩的恋爱,在我我生活里来来回回,让我不能忘记,又苦恼不已!

7.We agonize over the decision, but sometimes agonizing does not help. Sometimes we must simply choose.我们为做决定苦苦思索,但有时这样的权衡毫无帮助,而只能凭直觉去选择。

8.Use ints where they make sense, but don't agonize over the performance imppcations of int versus Number.在int具有意义的地方使用int,但是不要被int与Number的性能问题所煎熬。

9.So they agonize during the decision making process and then worry even after they've made a decision.所以他们在做决策的过程中是十分痛苦的,甚至是在做出决定之后。

10.Many parents agonize over what toys to buy their children and regret the cost when a child loses interest in a dearly-bought gift.许多家长为给孩子买什么玩具而烦恼,在孩子玩腻了这些玩具后,又心疼花了这笔钱。