


美式发音: [ɑˈhɑ] 英式发音: [ɑːˈhɑː]


网络释义:美国心脏协会(American Heart Association);美国心脏学会;果酸(Alpha Hydroxy Acid)



1.(表示了解或发现某事物的喜悦)啊哈used when you are expressing pleasure that you have understood sth or found sth out

Aha! So that's where I left it!啊哈!原来我把它丢在这儿了!


int.1网站屏蔽ed for showing that you have suddenly reapzed or understood something

1.美国心脏协会(American Heart Association) 代词 pronoun 啊哈 aha 爱 love ...

6.美国心脏病学会美国心脏病学会aha)在今天的年会中公布了强化降脂进一步减少临床终点试验 (ideal)的结果。ideal研究发表在本周的《美国 …


1.God said: "Let there be pght! " , and there was pght. This was the first day. But now it seems to be night, aha, does it matter?上帝说:“要有光!”,于是光就出现了。第一天就这样过去了。不过好像现在是晚上,哈哈,管他呢。

2."I had an 'aha' moment and came up with the FEED bag as a way for consumers to give back in a tangible and meaningful way, " she says.“有一天我灵机一动,想出了‘FEEDbag’计划,这给消费者提供了一个切实可行的、有意义的回报社会的方式,”她说。

3.He couldn't match it up to any bones on the planet, and he said, Aha! It's extinct.他当时没法把乳齿象和地球上任何一种骨头对应起来,然后就说,啊哈,灭绝了!

4.A bad " Aha! " pirate question usually results in the candidate just sort of staring at you for a while and then saying they're stuck.而不良的「原来如此」海盗问题,通常只会让应徵者瞪著你一阵子,然后说他们被难倒了。

5.Aha, Sheila is on MSN so I send the pictures to her to ask her opinion.啊哈,Sheila登陆了MSN,我把照片发给她看看她的意见。

6.Aha! Google is caught with ink on its hands. Then Google *must* be a media company after all, right? The truth is not that simple.啊哈!谷歌被逮了个正着。那么谷歌真的一定是个媒体公司了吗?真相没有那么简单。

7.Aha, thank you so much. It's most kind of you to have remembered my birthday.太感谢了,你真是太好了,还能记得我的生日。

8.On April Fool's Day, my classmates made me an April Fool. Aha, Next year, I'll give him a dose of his own medicine.愚人节那一天,同学给我开了个愚人节玩笑。啊,明年的愚人节,我将以其人之道还治其人之身!

9.Aha, pay notice to be sent to right wing of the hotel - for now its the only one renovated.哈哈,最好能分到右侧的客房-目前为止,只有这一侧的客房装修过。

10.If I didn't do any of this, it would be 'aha, Naomi Klein is predictable'.如果我不做这些事,人们会说‘啊呀,内奥姆•克莱恩是很容易预测的。