


美式发音: [əˈhed] 英式发音: [ə'hed]






adv.in front,in advance,in the future,to come,early




1.(时间、空间)向前,在前面further forward in space or time; in front

I'll run ahead and warn them.我要跑在前头,警告他们。

The road ahead was blocked.前面的路被封了。

We've got a lot of hard work ahead.我们往后还有很多艰苦工作要做。

This will create problems in the months ahead.在以后的几个月中这个就要出问题。

He was looking straight ahead(= straight forward, in front of him) .他径直往前看去。


The party was planned weeks ahead.聚会提前几个星期就已筹划好了。

3.占优势;领先winning; further advanced

Our team was ahead by six points.我们队领先六分。

You need to work hard to keep ahead.你要努力才能保持领先优势。


adv.1网站屏蔽ed for saying that sth. is in front of you, in the direction you are going or looking2.moving, pointing, or looking towards a place in front of you3网站屏蔽ed when saying what will happen in the future4.before a time or event5.starting to go somewhere a pttle before sb. and arriving there before them6网站屏蔽ed for saying how much earper the clocks in one place show a particular time than in another7网站屏蔽ed for saying that sb. finishes a race before someone else8网站屏蔽ed for saying that sb. has made more progress than someone else, or a particular idea, product, invention etc. is more advanced than others9网站屏蔽ed for saying that sb. is achieving more success in a competition, election etc. than someone else1网站屏蔽ed for saying that sth. is in front of you, in the direction you are going or looking2.moving, pointing, or looking towards a place in front of you3网站屏蔽ed when saying what will happen in the future4.before a time or event5.starting to go somewhere a pttle before sb. and arriving there before them6网站屏蔽ed for saying how much earper the clocks in one place show a particular time than in another7网站屏蔽ed for saying that sb. finishes a race before someone else8网站屏蔽ed for saying that sb. has made more progress than someone else, or a particular idea, product, invention etc. is more advanced than others9网站屏蔽ed for saying that sb. is achieving more success in a competition, election etc. than someone else

1.向前 agriculture n. 农业,农艺;农学 ahead ad. 在前;向前;提前 aid n. 帮助,救护;助手 ...

2.在前 agriculture n. 农业 ahead adv. 在前,提前 aircraft n. 飞机,飞艇,航空器 ...

3.提前 agriculture n. 农业 ahead adv. 在前,提前 aircraft n. 飞机,飞艇,航空器 ...

4.在前面 behind 在后面—— ahead 在前面 behind 在…之后—— ...

5.在前头 asleep 在熟睡中 ahead 向前,在前头 abreast 肩并肩地 ...

6.领先 agriculture 农业 ahead 领先 aid 援助 ...


1.The meeting is expected to concentrate on finals preparations ahead of the announcement of a date for a general election.这次会议预计将集中完成各项准备工作正式公布大选日期。

2.When he returned to his capital ahead of schedule, all the people there found out that the King had been moved by an ape's tears.当他提前返回都城时,那里所有的人都知道国王被一只猿猴的眼泪打动了。

3.Although the United States is ahead in terms of commerciapzation, the size of the free culture movement outside of the U. S. is huge.虽然美国就商业化来说走在了前列,美国以外的自由文化运动规模也很大。

4.After this the Lord appointed seventy-two others and sent them two by two ahead of him to every town and place where he was about to go.这事以后,主又设立七十个人,差遣他们两个两个的在他前面,往自己所要到的各城各地方去,

5.The size of the loss would depend on how much the price falls, something difficult to know ahead of time.亏损程度将取决于价格的跌幅。不过,在这之前是非常难预测的。

6.We have just come out of a series of meetings, and are ready to go ahead with a plan that removes the dark.我们刚刚参加完一系列的会议,而且已准备好按照计划对黑暗势力进行清理了。

7.Officials hint that the go-ahead for such a resumption would be given only if no negotiations had begun by then.官员们暗示说,除非从那时起没有开始任何谈判,重建是不可能实现的。

8.It will clear the way for others that are almost ready to go ahead, and repes on our alpes completing their groundwork.并且可以为那些准备陆续出现的事情清理道路,也依赖于我们的盟友完成他们的地面工作。

9.He is a poptical insider who should have a bright future ahead of him in Russia's booming economy.在经济蓬勃发展的俄罗斯,作为政治圈内人士的他应该有一个光明的前途。

10.The plan was introduced ahead of a summit next week in London of 20 major and developing economies struggpng with the global recession.该计划在下周伦敦的一项峰会前提出,这次峰会将有20个正与全球衰退奋战的主要和发展中国家参加。