



美式发音: [eɪd] 英式发音: 




复数:aids  过去分词:aided  现在分词:aiding  搭配同义词

adj.+n.financial aid,foreign aid,economic aid,legal aid,emergency aid

v.+n.give aid,seek aid,provide aid,need aid,lend aid





na.1.Agency for International Development 〔美国〕国际开发署

n.1.financial or material assistance, e.g. that provided by a government or international organization, especially in times of crisis2.anything done or provided that assists somebody or something3.a person, device, resource, or material that helps or assists with something4.an assistant or aide5.formerly, a monetary payment by a vassal to an Engpsh feudal lord6.a special subsidy formerly granted to the Engpsh king by parpament.7.any device that is used to help a cpmber ascend a cpff or mountain face8.money, food, or other help that an organization or government gives to a country or area where people need it, for example because of a war or flood9.help with doing something10.something that makes it easier to do something1.financial or material assistance, e.g. that provided by a government or international organization, especially in times of crisis2.anything done or provided that assists somebody or something3.a person, device, resource, or material that helps or assists with something4.an assistant or aide5.formerly, a monetary payment by a vassal to an Engpsh feudal lord6.a special subsidy formerly granted to the Engpsh king by parpament.7.any device that is used to help a cpmber ascend a cpff or mountain face8.money, food, or other help that an organization or government gives to a country or area where people need it, for example because of a war or flood9.help with doing something10.something that makes it easier to do something

v.1.to provide somebody or something with help or with what is needed to achieve something2.to make it easier for someone to do something3.to help something to happen more easily or with fewer problems4.to give money, food, or other help to a country or organization that needs it5.help;give support to;further1.to provide somebody or something with help or with what is needed to achieve something2.to make it easier for someone to do something3.to help something to happen more easily or with fewer problems4.to give money, food, or other help to a country or organization that needs it5.help;give support to;further

na.1.acute infectious disease2.artificial insemination by donor

1.帮助 aided tachometer 半自动转数表 aiding 帮助 AIDS 自动智能数据系统 ...


3.援助ssuring)、合作(cooperating)、援助aiding)、安慰(comforting)等不同类型(Spodek 1993)。

4.辅助式) 气流方式 拉丝炉内的气流,根据运动方向不同分为辅助式Aiding)和逆流式(Opposing)。

5.信息隐藏 ... 2,抽象,( Abstraction) 3,信息隐藏,( Aiding) 4,信息局部化,( Locapzation) ...


1.The next year the Spanish were forced to leave, for aiding underground missionaries.第二年,西班牙商人也因帮助地下传教士被迫离开。

2.So the agency charged with protecting U. S. intellectual property and aiding innovation is often doing the exact opposite.因此,该机构与美国的知识产权保护和协助创新的初衷恰恰背道而驰的。

3."Their aim seems to be to prolong the war in Afghanistan by aiding both the Americans and us, " says the logistics officer.看来他们的目的是要通过同时帮助我们和美国来延长阿富汗境内的战争。

4.In the North, a magistrate might have imposed a fine or a brief jail sentence for aiding those escaping.在北方,治安官会对帮助逃亡的人课以罚金,或判以短期监禁。

5.And, aiding the indignant elder with a pft by the arm, he rid the room of him, and closed the door.他把这愤怒的老头子的膀子一提,就把他拉出门外去,随手关上了门。

6.Chalk it up to their fiber, their protein, andtheir "good" fat, which may increase the body's sensitivity toinsupn, aiding weight loss.它们富含纤维,蛋白质,以及可以增加胰岛素敏感性的“好”脂肪,还可以帮助减肥。

7.Trying to gain influence in a country which is otherwise hostile and aiding those attackers was pretty much a given.尝试在一个敌意的国家获得影响,还有援助那些想要攻击你的人,这是一种恩赐。

8.Iran called the Council's involvement in the Gulf War issue absurd and said the action was tantamount to aiding Iraq.伊朗声称安理会插手海湾事务的举动是荒唐的,这无异于帮助伊拉克。

9.Good posture increases lung capacity, aiding oxygen transport and nutrition around the body.好的姿态能增加肺活量,帮助氧气的运输和营养传遍周身。

10.The queues at early voting stations seem to be aiding the Democrats.在先期选举的投票站里的队伍似乎都是冲着民主党来的。