


网络释义:Auto ID Infrastructure


1.Auto ID InfrastructureI3.0,MDM2.0,WAS640) 6.其他 AII (Auto ID infrastructure) 按照产品的package区分,有以前的mysap网址被屏蔽 (2000~2002年)…


1.You know, Murph, it's not aII about the money.知道吗墨菲不是什么都讲钱的

2.He said that if I Ieave, aII he'II feeI for me is pity.他说如果我离开他对我只会感到同情

3.AII right, you want me You want me to be fucking honest, aII right?好吧你想让我…你想让我说实话对吗?

4.This was supposed to be my chance to get it aII out of my system.这该是让我放弃所有执念的机会

5.is everything aii right ? - . to give him a deadly virus.一切都好吧?-手机讯号不良。给他致命病毒。

6.and aII they ask is for you to memorize their names.他们唯一的愿望就是你能记住他们的名字

7.No. Is everything aII right? I thought you were dead or something.你没事吧?我还以为你死了

8.Chinese culture is founded on collectivism . Instead of considering themselves individuals, Chineseare above aii members of a community.中国文化是建立在平等基础上的,他们不是单独的个人而是这个团体中的一员。

9.AII right? You brought me a book To the restaurant, right?你到饭店里带了本书给我是吗?

10.You couId turn your desk around and just stare at it aII day.你可以把你的办公桌转过来然后,就可以盯着他看上一整天