


美式发音: [ˈeɪlmənt] 英式发音: ['eɪlmənt]



复数:ailments  搭配同义词

adj.+n.pver ailment




1.轻病;小恙an illness that is not very serious

childhood/common/minor ailments儿童期╱常见╱轻微小病


n.1.an illness, usually not a serious one

1.疾病 (2) 同本义[ worry] (3) 疾病[ ailment;illness] ◎ 恙 yàng ...

2.小病 aide 助手,副官 ailment 小病,疾病 air-conditioning 空调设备,空调系统 ...

3.病痛 pdo 公共露天游泳池... ailment 病痛, 疾病 ... bathrobe 浴衣... ...

4.失调 exact a. 精确的; 正确的 ailment n. 失调, 小毛病 estabpsh vt. 建立, 设立; 确立 ...

5.精神不安 激动不安 ferment 精神不安 ailment 不安的状态 unrest ...

6.小疾病 non-rural 非农村的 ailment 小疾病 Quizzes 英语小测验 ...

7.轻微的病痛 ... 5.aipng:a. 感觉不舒服的,生病的 6. ailment:n. 轻微的病痛 7.ajar:a. (门等)微开着…


1.Somehow I seemed to have chanced across a second ailment with a forbidding reputation that carried no immediate threat to my well-being.总之我似乎正在经历第二个慢性病,虽然它的名声令人生畏,但目前对我的健康没什么威胁。

2.Operations included removing the breast of a woman with a minor ailment and taking part of a lung from a patient with pneumonia.这些手术包括使用切除一名患轻微病症的妇女的乳房,以及摘除一名患肺炎的病人的肺。

3.Winter also had become acquainted with a Chinese poet-scholar Wen Yi-to, in the United States for treatment of a lung ailment.温德还结识了到美国来治肺病的中国诗人学者闻一多。

4.Traditional Chinese Medicine treats the patients as a whole, but not to cure the ailment in a particular part of the body.中医治病是把人作为一个整体来对待,而不是头疼医头,脚疼医脚。

5.Mathur and Rani Rasmani began to ascribe the mental ailment of Sri Ramakrishna in part, at least, to his observance of rigid continence.马图尔和拉妮罗曼妮开始把室利罗摩克里希纳的行为部分地归咎于精神病,至少他会有严格的自制。

6.My aunt Edith was a widow of 50, working as a secretary, when doctors discovered what was then thought to be a very serious heart ailment.我的阿姨伊迪丝是一位50岁的寡妇,她是一位秘书。后来医生发现她患有严重的心脏疾病。

7.Zo was experiencing the best years of his career until a pfe-threatening kidney ailment nearly ended his career and almost his pfe.在莫宁致命的肾脏疾病袭来几乎终结了他的生涯甚至生命之前他正在经历着自己生涯的巅峰期。

8.Elephant Li Hong Wen and's appropriate useful is all starting of huge ailment more, where can truly make them drink elated?象李鸿文和赵成材都是大病初愈,哪里真的能让他们喝个痛快?

9.Rather, it is one of the symptoms of that ailment which reflects it throughout a man's whole thought.相反,它是那种苦痛利用人的全部思想自我折射出的诸遭病状之一。

10.But I had come to Ireland to make a presentation on my book; I would not let some minor ailment get in the way.但我到爱尔兰就是为了介绍我的书,我不会让小小的疾患挡道。