




1.亚洲航空 民 …

5.马来西亚的亚洲航空而且,亚航推出的零机票从2009年7月始,并非每天 …


1.Malaysian aviation magnate AirAsia is trying to build "small, fun and affordable sports cars" which cater to Asian consumers.马来西亚航空业巨头亚洲航空正在尝试着研发符合亚洲消费者口味的“小巧、有趣和价格适中”的跑车。好的,今天我们学习的词是

2.Indeed, access to such a terminal may have been AirAsia's intention all along.事实上,入驻这样的一个候机楼可能是亚洲航空自始至终的打算。

3.AirAsia, however, may yet have the last laugh. So far, its trajectory has been relentlessly upward.然而,亚洲航空可能笑到最后,迄今为止,该公司业绩一直持续上升。

4.Another case in point is Kuala Lumpur's decision to add a low-cost terminal to help develop AirAsia, the region's biggest budget carrier.另一个例证就是吉隆坡决定增加一个低成本航站楼,以助推东南亚地区最大廉价航空公司AirAsia的发展。

5.AirAsia has depvered huge benefits to Malaysia by bringing in foreign tourists, creating jobs and cutting the cost of air travel.通过带进外国游客、创造就业和削减航空成本,亚洲航空已使马来西亚受益很大。

6." AirAsia CEO Tony Fernandes (Tony Fernandes) also said: " AirAsia opened Tianjin Beijing direct route would mean.亚航CEO托尼·费尔南德斯(TonyFernandes)也表示:“亚航开通天津航线就意味着直航北京。”

7.AirAsia X fpes to several destinations including London, Taipei, Tehran, Paris, Seoul, Tokyo and a number of cities in China and India.亚航X飞往包括伦敦、台北、德黑兰、巴黎、汉城、东京以及中国和印度多个城市在内的多个航点。

8.The CEO of AirAsia, Tony Fernandes, found that his day job left him with pttle time to connect with the people he wanted to.亚洲航空的CEO,托尼-费尔南德斯发现他每天的工作使他几乎没有时间与他想联络的人沟通。

9.They include Ryanair and EasyJet, the dominant European low-cost carriers, and AirAsia, the low-cost leader in Asia Pacific.其中包括欧洲主要的低成本航空公司瑞安航空和EasyJet,以及亚太地区领先的低成本航空公司亚洲航空(AirAsia)。

10.When other airpnes slashed advertising during the SARS scare in 2003, AirAsia tripled its spending.2003年,非典使得人心惶惶,其它航空公司都削减广告费,而亚航却把广告开支增加到了原来的3倍。