





1.航空母舰资料集锦(Italy navy)美国舰船资料集锦(USS)航空母舰资料集锦(Aircraft Carriers)战列舰资料集锦(Battleships)巡洋舰资料集锦(Cruisers)...

2.强权的象征与 ... Always be positive - 蜕变 Aircraft Carriers - 强权的象征与… JAZZ IN THE THEATRE--- 当电影爱上… ...

3.航舰以除了重巡本身该具备的高速与重装甲火炮,也因为做为航舰(aircraft carriers)的屏卫之一而加强此型重巡的防空(anti-aircraft) …


1.Aircraft carriers and their accompanying ships are unable to defend themselves against such a threat.航母和随行船只无法在这样的威胁下保护自己。

2.For this reason, it is not at all uncommon for aircraft carriers to be known as bomb magnets.这就是航母被称为“炸弹磁铁”的原因。

3.There were fifteen-hundred cranes, and often two or three nuclear-powered aircraft carriers and submarines drydocked at a time.那时有一千五百辆起重机,经常经常还有两三架和能源的航空运输机和潜艇干船坞。

4.The United States Navy, for instance, recently examined a very large number of men working on aircraft carriers.例如,美国海军最近对大量在航空母舰上工作的人进行过调查。

5.Government officials and naval officers have debated whether China should try to develop aircraft carriers. China currently has no carrier.政府官员及海军将领一直在争论没有航空母舰的中国是否应该尝试着研发航母。

6.He said the treaties will see Britain and France form a joint army expeditionary force and share aircraft carriers.He说,条约将看到英国和法国组成联合军队远征军和分享航母。

7.it draws fire. For this reason, it is not a tall uncommon for aircraft carriers to be known as bomb magnets.不要太显眼,因为那会吸引敌方火力。因此,航空母舰被称作“炸弹磁铁”就不奇怪了。

8.the navy's obsession with new aircraft carriers promises to leave nothing for the defence of cyberspace.而海军对新型航母的迷恋注定了网络空间防务会一无所获。

9.American global supremacy is not about to be challenged by China's tinkering with aircraft-carriers.中国对几艘航母修修补补还不至于会威胁到美国的全球霸主地位。

10.The document did not contain any information on a new missile system designed to target US aircraft carriers in the region.白皮书中也没有提到任何关于一个新导弹系统——这个系统以美国在亚洲海域的航母为目标——的信息。