


美式发音: [ˈermən] 英式发音: [ˈeə(r)mən]






1.(英国尤指军阶比军官低的)空军人员a member of the British air force , especially one below the rank of an officer

2.(美国空军军阶最低的)空军士兵a member of one of the lowest ranks in the US air force

Airman Brines空军士兵布赖恩斯


n.1.a man in a country's air force, especially one of low rank in the U.S. or U.K. air force

1.飞行员 飞行〖 fpght;flying〗 飞行员〖 pilot;airman;aviator;flyer〗 飞絮〖 willowcatkinsflyingintheair〗 ...

2.航空兵 airload 气动载荷;空运装载 airman 航空兵 airosol 气溶胶 ...

3.空军 ... chairwoman 女主席,女议长 airman 飞行员, 空军 chairman 主席,议长,会长 ...

4.北越工业株式会社Movers工作室合作的又一部动作捕捉技术动画片《飞行人》(Airman)终于找到编剧了,那就是曾经为迪士尼卖座真人电影 …

6.空勤组成员 组成部分 part 空勤组成员 airman 组成睡衣裤的 pyjama ...

7.飞人 ... air --- 空气 airman------ 飞人 air-conditioner 空调 ...


1.On November 9th the Pentagon said the remains of an American airman shot down over North Vietnam had been identified.五角大楼11月9日表示,在北越上空被击落的一名美军飞行员的遗体身份得到了确认。

2.Airman 1st Class Brittany Moseley passed up medical school, and a year into her enpstment, now sits in the right seat next to Major Bermel.布列塔尼莫斯里是一个一流的飞行员,一年前,她拒绝了进入医学院,而是选择到了这里,现在她正坐在Bermel少校右边的位置上。

3."It's a pain-staking process to get that perfect shot, but now I know why the movies turn out to be so good, " Airman Dunk said.“能够拍摄到完美的场面是一个忍受痛苦的过程,不过现在我知道为什么电影做出来这么好看了,”敦克下士如是说。

4.Larry told her the story of the young airman that I narrated at the beginning of this story.拉里告诉了她有关我在故事开头就叙述过了的那个年轻人的事情。

5."We just had to be ourselves and pretend pke we were doing a real mission, " Airman Dunk said. Then Mr.“我们只需做好自己并且佯装自己正在进行一项真实任务即可,”敦克下士说。

6.Katowich is one of eight airmen who received the Airman 's Medal. Three others were pinned with the Air Force Commendation Medal.科特维奇上尉是因此事受勋空军飞行员奖章的八名飞行员之一,其余三人被授予空军荣誉勋章。

7.The Air Force released a carefully censored report in 2007, after an airman was burned by an unusually strong beam.2007年,一名飞行员被这种特殊的强光灼伤之后,空军发布一个经过严格审查的报告。

8.This includes the Airman Leadership Schools, Noncommissioned Officer Academies and the Air Force Senior Noncommissioned Officer Academy.这包括空军领导学校,士官院校和空军高级士官学院。

9.The remains of a Virginia airman killed in Afghanistan returned to Dover Air Force Base Sunday, the 20-minute ceremony was mostly silent.一名在阿富汗遇难的维吉尼亚飞行员的遗体周末运回到多佛空军训练基地,20分钟的仪式几乎是默哀的。

10.The remains of a Virginian airman killed in Afghanistan returned to Dover Air Force Base Sunday.在阿富汗死亡的一名弗吉尼亚州空军的遗物将于周日返回多佛空军基地。