




1.阿肯 AMANI 阿玛尼 AKON 阿康 Angela 安吉拉 ...

6.嘻哈明星阿肯者康沛)出生于非洲塞内加尔、从美国西海岸红遍全球的嘻哈明星阿肯Akon)定于11月4日和5日在京沪两地开唱,演出地 …

7.嘻哈总统阿肯    潘帅开心多年来环球音乐相当照顾他,此次与嘻哈总统阿肯Akon)合作、华人破纪录烧700万的MV《双人舞》都展现东家为 …


1.So, what was the concept Akon and Jackson tried to depver on the song?那么阿肯和杰克逊试图通过这首歌传递什么理念呢?

2.Michael's finest moment isn't the dull current single "Hold My Hand, " on which the rapper Akon is featured nearly as much as Jackson.迈克尔的最好的时刻是不是目前单一沉闷“牵我的手”,即本说唱歌手阿肯的特点是几乎一样多的杰克逊。

3.Akon told MTV News he has no plans to release any unfinished business he and Jackson worked on.阿肯告诉MTV新闻台说他没有打算发行任何一首和杰克逊一起合写的未完成歌曲。

4.To understand where AKON is right now is just half the equation.了解akon合作是正确的,现在只是一半方程。

5.But Akon came to his own defense, saying that the song has been improved since it leaked in 2008.但是阿肯声援自己,说这首歌自从2008年泄露以来已经改进了很多。

6.And though the two men recorded "days" of music, what Akon remembers most about those sessions was getting to know Michael Jackson, the man.虽然两个人在一起录制音乐的时间也就几天,但关于这段时间,阿肯记得最深的是逐渐了解了迈克尔·杰克逊这位绅士。

7.Jackson and Akon recorded the song in 2007; at the time, Jackson felt it was not ready for release.杰克逊和阿肯是在2007年录制了这首歌曲,当时,杰克逊还没准备好发行这首歌。

8.The theme of the composition, Akon said, captured the way that Mr. Jackson wanted to relaunch his career.阿肯说,这首歌体现了杰克逊想借以复出歌坛的风格。

9.The soundtrack for the commercial is sung by the Soweto Choir from Africa, along with Akon and Keri Hilson.这个商业歌曲是来自非洲的索维托合唱队以及阿肯、凯莉-希尔森演唱。

10.Muhammad, the driver, spps a CD into the stereo. The rapper Akon comes on.司机默德把一张音乐光盘插进立体声音响。