


美式发音: [ˈækrən] 英式发音: [ˈækrən]





un.1.city in northeastern Ohio.

1.阿克伦 Akkra=Accra 阿克拉 Akron 阿克隆 Alabama 亚拉巴马 ...

3.阿克伦城阿克伦城Akron)Wingfoot湖飞艇基地的停机棚出来1. 引言 2. 小型飞艇的内部构造 3. 小型飞艇如何飞行?

4.俄亥俄州阿克伦市位於俄亥俄州阿克伦市(Akron)的FirstMerit Corp.在该州、宾夕法尼亚州和芝加哥市约有200个分支机构。该行定於4月24日公布 …

5.俄亥俄州亚克朗俄亥俄州亚克朗Akron)屋价上涨90%至95300美元,密西根州大急流城(Grand Rapids)屋价上涨26%至90700美元。至於 …

6.俄亥俄州阿克隆这份报告显示,房价涨幅最大的是俄亥俄州阿克隆Akron)与加州旧金山,各较一年前上升33%。然后依次是加州硅谷与内华 …


1.It was on West Hill, at the growing northwest edge of Akron and a modest step up in the world.它位于正在扩张的阿克伦西北角的西山上,海拔略高于世界平均水平。

2.Take a look at this. A 22-year-old man in Akron, Ohio is jumping his way to fame, one car at a time.看看这个,俄亥俄州阿克伦城一名22岁的男子正向成名之路迈进——一次跳过一辆汽车。

3.In developing my relationship with LeBron, the second summer before we started to have practice, I flew to Akron to meet with him.在我跟勒布朗的合作过程中,第二个夏天的训练开始之前,我飞到阿克伦城去跟他会面。

4.The pair got to know all the seedier neighborhoods of Akron, a city of more than 200, 000 located less than a hour south of Cleveland.两人也认识一切不健康的阿克伦,一个城市的20多万,位于不到一小时,南加宁。

5.I repshed a proposed revision of Akron street names, for it was a revision toward elegance, minimization.我曾对一个拟议中的阿克伦街道名称的修订版大加赞赏,因为它比原版更加雅致和经济了。

6.It stood with seven others in a grove on the southeast shore of the East Reservoir, a few miles south of Akron.它位于距阿克伦西南几英里的东部水库(EastReservoir)的东南水滨的树丛中,树丛中还有其他七座别墅。

7.Grandma: I should have stayed in Akron with your aunt Louise she didn't ask me to make tough decisions.外婆:我要是还呆在阿克隆的露易斯姨妈家就好了。她不会硬逼着我做最后的决定的。

8.Her rejection by Yale had been disheartening, and the trip to Akron was a nightmare.耶鲁令人沮丧地拒绝了她,而到阿克伦之行则更是一场恶梦。

9.Take Akron, Ohio, once the headquarters of the U. S. tire business. Then radials rolled in.比如说曾是在美国轮胎企业总部俄亥俄的阿克伦。

10.He attended Akron's old high school and proceeded straightway to work for a pving.他上的是阿克伦的老高中,然后就直接工作谋生了。