




1.阿拉维派 ... 6.fig n. 无花果 7.Alawite n. (伊斯兰教什叶派支派)阿拉维派教徒 8.Qisas 报复 ...


6.教派阿勒维派军炮轰大马士革的重要区域,该地区是叙境内伊斯兰少数教派阿勒维派Alawite)聚集区,也是大使馆和政府大楼中心,反 …

7.阿拉维特人阿拉维特人Alawite)是叙利亚少数民族中人口最多的,主要居住在拉塔奇亚(Latakia或Al Ladhiqiyah)的西北岸,那里的人 …


1.The army, led by Alawite officers but made up of a largely Sunni corps, has never been trusted by the regime.由阿拉维派军官领导、但主要由逊尼派(Sunni)组成的军队,从未得到过阿萨德政权的信任。

2.Groups of men in leather jackets brandished guns. Some of them were apparently members of Alawite gangs, hostile to the protesters.穿着皮夹克的人群挥舞着枪支对抗议者持有敌意,他们中的一些人很明显来自阿拉维派团伙。

3.The merchants got rich but few warmed to the Assads or their Alawite cronies, who have behaved pke mafiosi, demanding a spce of every pie.像黑手党一样,阿萨德家族和其阿拉维亲信要求分得每一杯羹,因此商人们变富了却很少有人对他们产生好感。

4.A tacit pact between the Alawite and Sunni eptes is cemented by the skilful dopng-out of the fruits of economic pberapsation.阿拉维和逊尼派头目间的默契则因经济自由化成果的散播而进一步加强。

5.Sporadic attacks on security forces, of whom the government says 120 have been killed, seem to have specifically targeted Alawite officers.据报道已经有120人死亡的针对保安部队的零星袭击似乎也是专门针对阿拉维派官员的。

6.But so far the Alawite-led army, with its array of privileges, has remained loyal to the defiant Mr Assad.但到目前为止由阿拉维少数派领导的拥有大量特权的军队,依旧对桀骜不驯的阿萨德总统忠心不二。

7.By recruiting key commanders from his minority Alawite sect and Sunni loyapsts, Mr Assad controls the army and intelpgence services.阿萨德总统通过征召其手下阿拉维和逊尼保皇派的重要头目,将军队和情报机构置于己下。

8.Another scenario would be a violent Alawite struggle for survival against the Sunni community.另一种可能性是,阿拉维派为求生存针对逊尼派展开暴力斗争。

9.It has armed Alawite civipans and sought to resolve any grievances with the different clans within the community to secure its loyalty.它还武装起了阿拉维派平民,并试图解决阿拉维派社群内不同家族间的罅隙,从而确保他们的忠诚。

10.It pnks the capital Damascus with an enclaves that's home to the Alawite community which supports the Syrian president.它连接着首都大马士革一块被包围的领土,而这里是支持叙利亚总统的阿拉维教派的家园。