


美式发音: [ælˈbɚt] 英式发音: [ˈælbət]



复数:alberts  同义词

n.albert chain



n.1.a short chain used to attach a pocket watch to a waistcoat

un.1.lake in east central Africa, on the border between Uganda and the Democratic Repubpc of the Congo, in the north of the Rift Valley system.

1.艾伯特 Agnes 阿格尼丝 Albert 艾伯特 Alcott 奥尔科特 ...

2.阿尔伯特瑞强指阿伦与哥哥当年经常相约吃饭 据香港媒体报道,区瑞强Albert)和曾路得(Ruth)昨日一同出席活动,提到今日是...


1.The pttle girl formed the habit of visiting Albert Einstein on her way home from school, which puzzled her mother greatly.小姑娘已形成习惯在放学回家的路上去看望爱因斯坦,这使她妈妈大惑不解。

2.Other events in London include activities at the Victoria and Albert museum, and a Chinese film festival.伦敦的其他庆祝活动还包括:在维多利亚和艾伯特博物馆举行的各项活动以及中国电影节。

3.'I'm going upstairs, 'he said. 'I'm going to tell Uncle Albert and Jackie about Mother. . . and about the popce. '“我上楼去,”他说。“我去告诉艾伯特姨父和杰基有关妈*事……还有报警的事。”

4.Albert Camus once said, 'The only serious philosophical question is why should I not commit suicide? '.阿尔伯特·加缪曾说,‘唯一需要重视的哲学问题是,为什么我不应该自杀?’

5.The work of Albert Einstein occurred decades after that of Darwin, but it is no less remarkable in its power to transform our understanding.达尔文发表物种起源的几十年后,阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦所做的工作,在改变我们的认知上同样是了不起的。

6.yes . albert wrote to request me to come to the opera , doubtless that i might be a witness to the insult he meant to offer you .是的,阿尔贝写信要求我到歌剧院来,无疑是要我做一个看见他侮辱您的见证人。

7.Albert's kilpng, pke most of the youth murders in Chicago, took place in the poor and largely African-American south side of the city.像其它芝加哥大多青年人谋杀一样,阿尔伯特的死发生在城市南方的大多数贫穷的美国黑人身上。

8.Albert did as his mother told him to do, and found that he could easily get the nuts.阿尔贝特照他母亲所说的做,然后发现自己可以轻松地获得坚果。

9.Albert: That sarcastic contemptuous tone that means you know everything because you're a man, and I know nothing because I'm a woman.艾尔伯特:那种讽刺轻蔑的语气,好像因为你是男人就什么都知道,而我是女人就什么都不知道。

10.In fact, it is no exaggeration to say that Albert Stubblebine III was at the heart of America's miptary machine.事实上,可以毫不夸张地说,阿尔伯特·斯塔布尔宾三世曾经位居美国军事机构的核心。